Protests against the BCC project in Donostia continue. As Irutxuloko hitza, called by Ulia Auzo Elkartea, gathered on Friday between 50 and 100 citizens in the demonstration that preceded the Okendo House of Culture and protested in the field of works, the Park yes, Culinary no! shout. In fact, last week began to transform the area of the parks of Manteo and Zemoria, the only green area in Gros, leaving the whole green area without trees.
This project began with intense anger among the residents. SOS Manteo explains that “without any guarantee” the works related to the vegetation of the plot and adjacent areas have been launched, and accuses the City of San Sebastian of not complying with this, as Amenabar’s representatives stated that “cutting trees was outside the scope of the works”. Over 7,000 signatures have already been gathered against the project.
The members of the association stress that they will not resign until the park is recovered: “The issue of the BCC of Manteo goes beyond the loss of a green area essential for the neighborhood. It is also a matter of city model, public management and governance”.
We were yelling, “New Year, what brings us?”, around the first night of the year, at the preemies who crossed the road. Waiting for the foals, drunks, us. And as there was no runner or selfie yet, we would find most of the Russians who had gone out to put down the excesses... [+]
There was no one or all. That we all suffer at least if the necessary changes are not made so that no one suffers the climate emergency. You – reader – I – Jenofá-, they – poor – and they – rich. The fires in Los Angeles did not give me satisfaction, but a sense of... [+]
In recent weeks we have been reading "proposals" for the recovery of the railway line Castec-Soria and the maintenance of the Tudela train station in its current location, or for the construction of a new high-speed station outside the urban area with the excuse of the supposed... [+]
The restoration of the natural characteristics of the beach of Waukee began three decades ago and continues without interruption in the staged restoration to counterclockwork.
Samuel (Bizkaia) is an exceptional space, very significant from the natural and social point of view... [+]