According to the representatives of the Neighbourhood Association, “there are many negative points that were highlighted at the meeting. The main reason for opposing the project is that it “does not meet the needs of the neighborhood”. According to the reports, “the City Hall skipped the planning that the neighborhood had to build houses that were not planned and boosting the plot that was planned for community equipment to the neighborhood”. In fact, cultural and health equipment has been demanded in the neighborhood for a long time, and the use of these spaces for housing will “mortgage” the future of the neighborhood. The call for the meeting was accompanied by the message “Ambulatory yes, torres no”.
The project, which provides for the construction of two giant towers next to the freeway, is "unacceptable" from the point of view of sound. In the noise measurements being carried out in the current building of the avenue of the Hermanos Otamendi have been located between 77db and 84db. In the new houses that want to build “even more noise, it is unacceptable”.
Eighteen people have joined this working group, which will meet for the first time next Monday.
A long weekend. We've turned around the environment and we've taken advantage of it to make the picoteo. Tourists making selfies. Routes for tourists, rentals, shops, hotels, parkings, menu dishes, sign signs in all languages of the world. Tourists turn the usual places into... [+]
A house in Aiherra, bought six years ago for 250,000 euros, today for sale for 1.6 million euros. Last Saturday nearly 50 citizens joined the real estate agency Puyo de Hazparne to denounce the speculative sale of the Etxetxuri estate. During the development of the action, the... [+]
2024ko urtarrilaren 1etik goiti, Ipar Euskal Herrian bigarren etxebizitza bat erostekotan diren pertsonak gonbidatuko ditu Herrian Bizi plataformak jadanik bigarren etxebizitza gisa baliatuak diren etxe edo apartamendu bat erostera.
Aiherrako Herriko Etxea arranguraturik agertu da 250.000 eurotan erosia izan zen etxe bat, abantsu 1,6 milioi eurotan salgai ezarri ondotik. Etxexuri egoitza 2017an erosi zuten gaur egungo jabeek, eta arraberritzen lan handiak egin zituzten; ganerra eta barnea berregin zituzten,... [+]