ELA reports that workers who have night time at the residence La Paz de Donostia have a cleaning order at 6:15 in the morning. In other residences, it is usually done at 8:00. This raises major problems for both the elderly and the workers. "Older people wake up very early, despite having breakfast at 9:00 hours, so they have a bad break and then influence their daily situation," he said.
In addition, residents who need other care at that time cannot be properly attended to, as workers cannot perform cleaning tasks while properly attending to the rest of the demands.
Faced with this situation, the staff of the centre have shown their indignation at the cooperative GSR, of the group that manages the residence. In addition, workers have denounced poor working conditions, lack of organisation, heavy workload, unfavourable timetables and lack of payment. ELA denounces the Directorate's lack of attention to avoid reinforcing certain shifts and charging more work to those on night shifts. They report that the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has been informed of this and that the situation directly affects the welfare of workers and residents of the centre.
Bost urte igaro dira pandemiaren hasieratik. Pandemia horrek ekarri zuen denok zaintza eredua ezagutzea, inondik inora ere behar bezala ez zebilena. Egoitzetako kutsatzeen eta hildakoen datuak, batez ere pribatuetan, zifra hutsak baino askoz gehiago izan ziren.
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The legislature has ended and the PNV-PSE has not taken steps to change the custody model. The Lehendakari dismisses with a powerful campaign "Towards a Basque pact for care", denouncing "the political use and manipulation of care".
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