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Donostia Stop Evictions Platform Launches Fraudulent Rental Campaign

  • The platform has presented a guide to enable tenants to check whether or not their contracts are fraudulent.

21 October 2024 - 07:30
Kaleratzeak Stop plataforma, Ernest Lluch Kultur Etxearen parean Olatz Balda
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Stop Evictions platform has presented a guide to help tenants affected by fraudulent and long-term temporary contracts over time. In a press appearance at the Casa de Cultura Ernest Lluch, the platform explained that temporary contracts are being multiplied by speculation, but that many of them do not meet the requirements laid down by law. Thus, a call has been opened for tenants to check whether the contract they currently have is fraudulent and, if necessary, to convert that temporary contract into one of the five or seven years regulated by the Urban Leases Act: “We want thousands of fraudulent contracts to become legal.”

The guide, as “important” as “innovative”, has been disseminated by the Stop Evictions platform of the Basque Country. Alaibaina, the Mortgage (Mortgage) platform of the Spanish State will be supported by the mortgage to be communicated and implemented in the other territories. Marce García and Rosa García, members of the Stop Evictions platform, explained that this is a guide prepared with all guarantees, because "behind there is jurisprudence".

Works, studies or work

As members have reported, the "key" to the option they have just presented is the justification for temporary contracts. In fact, this type of contract can be concluded for the purpose of studying, working or performing works in the tenant's second home. As regards the period, it may not be less than one year or extend the temporary contract with another, nor be the principal dwelling of tenants: “Thus, if someone is registered for a long time, it will be understood that it is a fraudulent temporary contract,” the members say.

According to Rosa García, Donostia-San Sebastian is the third city with the most temporary contracts and the landlords seek tricks to hide a stable housing contract: “Sometimes one family room is rented.” He adds that, in addition to young people, there are also families with sons or daughters and retirees: “They sign this kind of contract because they have no other choice.”

Fernando, on the left side of the photo, has for years been the victim of fraudulent temporary contracts. Ed: Olatz balda

This is also the case with Fernando. He is 70 years old and lives on Enbeltran Street in the Old Part. He is registered there, where he has spent the last twelve years, with a room rental: “They have always made temporary contracts for him, but he is neither a student nor a worker. He is currently receiving the Income Guarantee Income,” explains Rosa García. Now, the owner wants to say goodbye, but Fernando faces him, as he has confirmed that he has been on fraudulent rental and has decided to stay with him.

The platform has therefore called on the public to verify this by means of a guide if it is suspected that they are in a similar case. If it were fraudulent, the next step would be to send the bureaucracy they have hung up to collect contracts of five or seven years and cut income gains: “We want tenants to have the opportunity to fight against fraudulent contracts and gain some stability.”

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