The event took place on Saturday before the football match between Numancia and Cornella, at 17:30. Naiz announces that some ultra beat a 44-year-old man in a bar near the Los Pajaritos stadium in Numancia. The man who became unconscious was taken to the hospital in Burgos with a head injury.
The victim's wife contacts Naiz to clarify the situation. The delegation of the Spanish government's government in Soria stated that the man was "wounded quickly", but his partner denies it: "It's not a mild wound, it causes coma. There is fracture and two bruises at the base of the skull and in the ear bone."
The woman explains that the ultras got into the bar to beat those who were there and left her husband with blood on the ground. At the time of the attack the victim was with two friends, there they met to see the match.
The couple also explains that she has called on the Soria National Police to add her husband to the attack among the seriously injured. The police are asking you to submit the health documentation. The woman and brother of the victim travel from Burgos to Soria to present the part of the injuries.
San Sebastián, Numancia eta el Cornellà
— I am: (@naiz _info) May 28, 2023
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