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"These young Donostiarras threaten their grandparents in exchange for leeks"

  • ESAN, the second largest trade union in the Ertzaintza, has made public the reading of the incidents that occurred in recent days in Donostia-San Sebastián. The union has attacked young people who were in the Donostia Old Party on Wednesday, Maddalen Iriarte of EH Bildu, Jarki and EITB journalist Xabier Lapitz.

22 January 2021 - 11:08
Asteazkenean lau pertsona atxilotu ditu Ertzaintzak, eta gazte bati masail hezurra hautsi diote pilotakadaz. Bost egunetan hirugarren aldiz oldartu zaie Polizia herritarrei. Argazkia: EITB

In a communiqué, Esan, which represents a quarter of the Ertzaines in the trade union elections, has attacked the young people who were on the streets of the Old Town of San Sebastian in recent days, and in particular the day of San Sebastian.

He has described these young people as "miserable anti-social" and has underlined the "clear and tough instructions" of the agents to act against them. The note indicates that the victims were Ertzainas and local police, as they were subjected to insults and stones.

In the statement, EH spokeswoman Bildu, Maddalen Iriarte, said she was the spokesperson for the Jarki movement. Iriarte and the host of the program En Jake de ETB2, journalist Xabier Lapitz, "Jorge Javier" of EiTB, according to ESAN, have denounced that they have shut up in front of the "studs, bottles and stones" thrown at the police and that have been hidden "behind some pasta glasses or political speakers".

The Ertzainas and local police union ensures that the young people on the street have put the whole of society at risk. The "young associates and irresponsible" who were in the Casco Viejo risked their parents and grandparents in exchange for "leeks" or "kalimotxos", according to the same source. They state that "true Basque youth stayed at home the day of San Sebastian" and "was dressed in ertzainas, local police, health personnel, barrels, peones".

Finally, the members of esan applauded the public attitude of the Vice-President of the Basque Government and head of the Department of Security, Josu Erkoreka, and of Vice-Councillor Josu Zubiaga. The Basque Government has given all its support to the police operation that included the order of "shoot to hit" in the Basque Country.



Order to shoot the neighbors by the Ertzainas: "colloquial language" for Erne

In an interview with Radio Euskadi, the secretary general of the most representative union of the Ertzaintza, Roberto Seijo, stated that the order to shoot the citizens is a "friendly expression" among the Ertzainas, but he added that "this is not the will" of the Ertzainas.

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