Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

An ertzaina who participated in the eviction of a San Sebastian house wore a bracelet associated with right-wing police groups

  • One of the Ertzainas who participated on Wednesday morning in the eviction of the Ertzaintza in the Donostia district of Gros, wore a bracelet of the La Delgado Línea Azul movement. The anti-fascist movements denounce that this Lobby working group is related to extreme right-wing groups.

03 November 2022 - 17:15
Groseko hustutzean parte hartu duen ertzain batek 'La delgada línea Azul' mugimenduaren eskumuturrekoa zeraman. (Argazkia: Beñat Parra/Irutxuloko Hitza)

The motto ‘Thin Blue Line’ was born in December 2014 and was assumed by the Blue Lives Matter movement, which shares the same imaginary. This movement is a police movement related to white U.S. nationalists to face the Black Lives Matter movement. The team apologizes for police work, minimizing cases of violence and exerting lobbying and pressure. However, extreme right-wing violent groups have used this slogan in the United States.

The motto Blue Lives Matter created the controversy in March of last year, as at ETB an ertzaina wore a t-shirt from the team.

In the emptying that took place in Gros, the Ertzaintza faced a number of citizens beating at the edge. Meanwhile, a journalist from Irutxuloko Hitza who was reporting the news was beaten leaving a mark on his thigh.

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2024-06-26 | ARGIA
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