On his facebook page, Áncora said that he has known the City Hall’s intention through the neighbours of the Old Donostia Party and has criticised the decision. On Calle Aldamar nº 1 were the well-known bar Rekalde and the Sagutxo market. The bar has closed doors. Before the closure, Danele Sarriugarte interviewed Agus Rodriguez, owner of the bar ("metro, TAV station... What is Donostia, a Monte Carlo going to be? ").
As Áncora says, it is a historic building. They'll throw everything out and they'll get another higher altitude. The Group explains that they are licensed to demolish because the building is not included in the Special Plan for the Protection of Built Urban Heritage.
This is an important loss, as the building has profile and unit composition in blocks and adjacent houses. They say: “It is a typical 19th-century San Sebastian building and is also on the edge of the monumental complex of the Old Part. It should be treated very carefully.”
The finca was acquired in 1888 by the members Domingo Eceiza, Ramón Múgica, Antonio Zubilwaukee and Francisco Echeverría. It's one of the oldest buildings on Aldamar Street. The author of the building is the Belarusian owner Domingo Eceiza.
Ancora stressed that similar buildings are also located in Donostia-San Sebastian, which are protected by flooding. He has encouraged the Donostiarras to save the building and do so by writing to the City Hall, the Citizenship Mailbox www.donostia.eus.
A house in Aiherra, bought six years ago for 250,000 euros, today for sale for 1.6 million euros. Last Saturday nearly 50 citizens joined the real estate agency Puyo de Hazparne to denounce the speculative sale of the Etxetxuri estate. During the development of the action, the... [+]
2024ko urtarrilaren 1etik goiti, Ipar Euskal Herrian bigarren etxebizitza bat erostekotan diren pertsonak gonbidatuko ditu Herrian Bizi plataformak jadanik bigarren etxebizitza gisa baliatuak diren etxe edo apartamendu bat erostera.
Aiherrako Herriko Etxea arranguraturik agertu da 250.000 eurotan erosia izan zen etxe bat, abantsu 1,6 milioi eurotan salgai ezarri ondotik. Etxexuri egoitza 2017an erosi zuten gaur egungo jabeek, eta arraberritzen lan handiak egin zituzten; ganerra eta barnea berregin zituzten,... [+]