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Donostia-San Sebastian DOKA will be closed indefinitely for "serious damage" to the roof structure

  • The DOKA Theatre of the Old will be closed from today without a deadline. The DOKA team communicates the situation through a message they have disseminated on social networks.

14 December 2023 - 08:30
Argazkia: Mikel Roman

In the note they say: “We have accidentally identified serious damage to the roof structure that can affect externally. Aware of this, it is up to us to act responsibly and since we have no choice but to close the room, we decided to do so. Our priority is to ensure the safety of the workers, artists and you, so from today on programming will be suspended.”

They explain that the news has “depressed” the team: “We are aware that the consequences that this is going to produce are nothing pleasant, both for you and for us. Unfortunately, we are not going to see each other for a while, even if it is disinterested.”

In the coming months they have pointed out that “the aid will be very welcome” and have announced that they will account for the situation so that “the exchange between us remains alive”.

You are interested in the channel: Azpiegitura kulturalak
Against the normalization of Zionism, Boikota Noari!

With this article, the BDS movement wants to make a public boycott of the event to be held on 24 September at the Guggenheim in Bilbao. In it, they will have the presence of the renowned Zionist artist, Noa, who will present his last record work.

When, in the context of the... [+]

Macrofestibals: Can't take the measure to eucalyptus
On the eve of the festival, within the Summer Courses of the UPV/EHU, two days have been held in the Dabadaba room, in the district of Egia. In addition to several musicians, the organizers of different macrofestivities have also approached, who have participated as rapporteurs... [+]

2024-08-09 | Euskal Irratiak
Baionako Euskal Museoak ehun urte bete ditu aurten

Mende batean, Baionako Euskal Museoak izan duen bilakaeraz erakusketa berezia sortu dute. Argazki, tindu edo objektuak ikusgai dira. 1924an William Boissel Bordaleko militarrak bultzatu zuen museoaren sorrera, "euskal herri tradizionalaren" ondarea babesteko... [+]

They launch a campaign to obtain 1,300,000 signatures for the conservation of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve
The initiative is driven by the NGO Seo/BirdLife and the Guggenheim Urdaibai Stop platform, and the number of signatures refers to the number of visitors each year the Bilbaíno museum has. They have pointed out that the “critical and irreversible” impacts that Guggeheim of... [+]

The Guggenheim of Urdaibai and Santa Clara Island of San Sebastian receive a black flag like last year
Ekologistak Martxan distributes black flags every year for pollution and mismanagement. The other two flags have been collected by the macro-farm of Getaria and the Lamiako marsh of Leioa.

Kutxa expands the multidisciplinary ‘Atenea’ space in Tabakalera in 2026
The Kutxa Foundation will allocate the 6,300 square meters it has at the International Center for Contemporary Culture of San Sebastian to the new space and has a budget of 15 million euros. Atenea is scheduled to open in the autumn of 2026, before the closure of the Museum of... [+]

Without concretizing the Guggenheim de Urdaibai, Juan Ignacio Vidarte cesa as director
It will cease at the end of the year. Start the process of renewal of the Directorate. Vidé has spent 32 years in the direction of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.

The Diputación de Bizkaia begins the process of buying land for the Guggenheim de Urdaibai
The Provincial Council of Bizkaia plans to purchase 32,000 square meters in Murueta for the construction, among others, of the Guggenheim Museum in Urdaibai.

2024-02-28 | ARGIA
Initiatives against the Guggenheim project in Urdaibai are not suspended
Lakua and the Diputación de Bizkaia announced in January the suspension of the Guggenheim project of Urdaibai for two years, but entrepreneurs continue to fight for the museum not to be built. The latest activity of the climate activists Vegetable Future and the tour of the... [+]

Migas for Africa

Ghana, 1823. The first war begins between the Ashanti Empire and the British. In total, there were four wars that lasted until 1901. Previously, Europeans controlled the country’s Gold Coast. But the abolition of slavery in 1807 led to the decline of the coastal business and... [+]

Guggenheim Urdaibai: two years of fighting

On 22 January, Iñigo Urkullu and Elixabete Etxanobe attended the media jointly, and Urkullu announced that the institutions they represent will have a two-year period to analyze the viability of the Guggenheim Urdaibai project. It says that changes are being made in the... [+]

EH Bildu defines as “cable collection” the decision to stop the Guggenheim Urdaibai project for two years
EH Bildu met mayors and councillors from the Busturialdea district at a press conference in Gernika. Senator Idurre Bideguren has pointed out that the measure is “another example of an outdated management model” of the PNV.

Lakua and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia announce two years of suspension of the Guggenheim project of Urdaibai
Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, announced the project’s closure in 2024 and 2025. The board of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao wants to analyze the “feasibility” of the project. According to the Stop Guggenheim Urdaibai platform, the interruption is not "acceptable" and has... [+]

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