On Friday morning, to open the control session of the Basque Parliament, I had five minutes to answer the question of the Health Advisor, Gotzone Sagardui, of his party, of the PNV, without further questions, but the counsellor has been made enough with just over three minutes. Regarding cesses, for example, it has not gone beyond what has been said so far; as usual, it says that the "directive reorganization" of the Donostia Hospital has not had an impact on the health service and the quality of patients.
On the contrary, from a technical health point of view, it has denied the transfers of technical services denounced by health workers and service heads. "In addition, it's the other way around," adds Sagardui, because he wants to turn the Donostia Hospital into a "specialized center for advanced therapies" in the fight against cancer. Iñigo Urkullu announced last Monday the installation of the prognotherapy service, with an investment of more than 60 million euros, in which the CAR-T therapeutic service, "referent" to cancer, will also be offered, according to Sagardui.
Opposition: merger and rigour
The political parties of the opposition have not served the brief exposition of Sagardui, and aimed at the lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu, all have stressed the decline of Osakidetza; EH Bildu and Elkarrekin Podemos have denounced, going further, the "privatization of the service". Maddalen Iriarte, spokesman for the Abertzale coalition, stressed that this is not the "Donostia Hospital case", as Sagardui says, but that Osakidetza has more cracks, as in Bidasoa, Zumarraga or Tolosaldea.
Iñigo Urkullu has clearly thanked the work of all the advisors, reducing the sounds of resignation or dismissal. In fact, only the PP-C's coalition has explicitly requested in the camera.
The President answers most of the opposition’s questions in general, but without major developments. This week he confined himself to repeating the same issues discussed in a forum of the media group Vocento: "Osakidetza is in a growth crisis and Osakidetza's governance model has not changed, I have full confidence in them and in how to act."
Urkullu: "They haven't asked Jon Darpón for forgiveness."
At that time, irregularities were reported in Osakidetza’s OPE 2018 call and the trial opened, even former nationalist advisor Jon Darpón sat in the seat and about to be convicted. A year ago, the court order was received from the Vitoria courts and was removed from the indictment bench. Lehendakari Urkullu, a year later, told all parliamentary parties that "he has not heard a message of forgiveness".
Because EH Bildu has said that the current crisis situation in Osakidetza is "a consequence of the policies of the last decade", and it is precisely 10 years since he took office of lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu. In this context he has put on the table the name of Darpon and Nekane Murga.
Despite the surprise that the lehendakari referred to Darpon, the Health Advisor, Gotzone Sagardui, has followed the same path.
Wants to close the conflict on Monday
Two weeks after the outbreak of the crisis of the Donostia Hospital will arrive on the 19th day and it seems that the counselor Sagardui wants to reach the quiet holiday season. On Monday morning he asked for a hearing in the Health Committee to explain in more detail, and in parallel, OSI Donostia will be visited by the senior management of Osakidetza: Rosa Pérez, Director-General, will meet with the new hospital management and a health workforce delegation.
In 1813, Representative Lloret and Martí said: “The poor peasant and the simple soldier are the two classes most filled with pain and misery in the state. And it really is they who maintain the monarchy and the luxuries of the few individuals who integrate it,” and gives... [+]