The poster they have disseminated on social networks has been called at 11:30 hours in Plaza Berria.
Several videos supporting the call have been published, including the one with Jone Forcada.
Despite the black skin and curly hair, they remained invincible men, with the intelligence and resentment of human beings.” So he wrote about the slaves CRL James in the book Jakobino Beltzak, who masterfully narrates the Haitian revolution. So many brutalities, torture and... [+]
Malin, Burkina Fason eta Nigerren Frantzia haizatua da. Mendebaldeko potentziek haien eragina galtzen ari dira Afrikako kolonia zaharretan. Afrika frankofonoko populazioa bereziki gaztea da, eta ez du frantses kolonialismoa zuzenki ezagutu. 35 urtez peko gazteek populazioaren... [+]
Last week I was at the Olaso Tower in Bergara, in a talk about symbol acquisition.
Behind the symbols there is a story, and it is evident that the symbols we have before us – shields, flags, monoliths, street names… – tell the story that suits the empire.
It is not in... [+]
II. Following the World War, the process of decolonization of the countries of Africa and Asia began. In fact, the soldiers of these countries participated in the triumph of Germany and its fascist allies, and “as a thank you” those subordinate countries had to be recognized... [+]
In the bar Gato de Pamplona was singing screaming, the famous song of curse of Malinche: "Eta oker horretan, pasako grandeza eman egingo dugu, eta oker ants three hundred years Geratu gara slaves."
Having a birth in South America, especially in Colombia, is nothing comfortable,... [+]