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Stop calls for San Sebastian to be considered in its entirety high voltage zone

  • The Stop platform has decided to challenge the revision of the General Urban Management Plan (PGOU). In particular, they shall submit claims to the modification of accommodation uses. “We believe that the whole of San Sebastian is today an area of high tension due to speculative rent prices, and in a situation of saturation for tourist homes and the proliferation of hotels,” the platform explains.

14 June 2024 - 07:42
Kaleratzeak Stop taldearen agerraldia, Ijentea kalean. (Argazkia: Inaxio Esnaola)

The areas of high tension have been declared by the municipal government as Old Part, Center, Gros, Old and Old Part. However, this is not enough for Stop with the layoffs. “The opportunity is being given to extend the speculation of tourist homes to the rest of the neighborhoods,” they denounce. In fact, they call for the entire city to be declared a high-tension area.

For all these reasons, they ask citizens and agents to submit claims to the PGOU by day 20. And that's when the deadline ends.

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