Idiart’s list, which won the first round of the 2014 elections, surpassed in the second round 87 votes by Pierre-Marie Nousbaum, until now mayor of Bilbao. On this occasion, the situation has changed and Idiart has won 85 votes more than Nousbaum, who has revalidated his victory.
The agreement reached in Senpere has been one of the novelties in the list of parties. Among the great surprises of 2014 was what happened in Senpere: When nobody expected him, the right-wing Pierre-Marie Nousbaum jumped above the results of the first round and rose with victory. Dominique Idiart, who had until then become the succession of Christine Bessonarte, could this year regain the peace process that escaped him six years ago because the agreement with the Abertzale list makes it easier for him to go. After adding the 16.70% of the Abertzales to the 41.27% made by Idiarte on March 15, the alliance would reach 42.01% in the first lap of Nousbaum.
Hauteskunde egunean, oposizioak ohartarazi bi akats nagusi onartu ditu epaileak.
Aktualitatea ez zait batere interesatzen –zutabe hauetarako, bistan da; bestela aktualitatearen kontsumitzaile ohikoa naiz, are garaiaren arabera tiraniaren menpekoa–; baina batzuetan iruditzen zait azkar asko ahaztuko dugun txikikeriaren batek erakuts dezakeela... [+]
Bigarren itzuli honetan ere urtetako lanaren emaitza lortu dute abertzale ezkertiarrek: Ziburun, Urruñan eta Itsasun auzapez izango dira. Bozketen lehen itzulian Biriatun eta Donapaleun irabazirik, Uztaritzen eta Baigorrin 2014ko garaipen historikoa berriz ere... [+]