On the occasion of the International Day of the Basque Country, coinciding with the Day of Navarre, an event was held in Tabakalera de Donostia. In this edition, Lakua has put at the centre the challenge of increasing the use of Euskera in the digital sphere and has called its accession to the Gaitak campaign of the Department of Culture and Linguistic Policy. The campaign invites vascospeakers to record their voices and publish them on the web gaitu.eus. CAV President Iñigo Urkullu has opened the call to join the initiative, as “the more voice, the wider the material will be.”
Led by Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu, the programme has been attended by several members: Bigen Zupiria, Olatz Garamendi, Arantxa Tapia, Jokin Bildarratz, Gotzone Sagardui and Nerea Melgosa. Parliament president Bakartxo Tejeria, the mayor of San Sebastian, Eneko Goia, representatives of Euskalgintza and members of EH Bildu, among others, have also been present.
Urkullu pointed out that Euskera needs “its place” in the digital sphere: “To live and advance among other languages. It is a new challenge, one that corresponds to the time in which we live. In that we are moving forward.” The Institutional Declaration of the Lake confirms the declaration of Urkullu and stresses the need to teach the digital tool to work in Basque.
Criticism of the Education Law
In the joint manifesto of EH Bildu and EH Bai on Basque Day, they highlighted that five different legal situations in the Basque Country make normalization difficult, according to Naiz: “This lack of protection favors the intervention of the States of France and Spain and the aggression against the Basque Country.” They point out that although there has been progress in the knowledge of Basque in geographical areas with official status, there is no progress in other areas.
EH Bildu and EH Bai are concerned about maintaining language policy in the Education Act for Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa: “If this law is passed, we will lose the opportunity to take another step in the normalization of the Basque Country.”
Social aspects
The Council has joined the day and stressed that “free provision and resources” are essential for the universalization of the Basque country.
The GEU Association has made an all-day schedule. At 19:15 hours, in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca of Vitoria-Gasteiz, shows and walkways have been organized to make the Basque public.
For its part, the popular movement Euskal Herrian Euskaraz has claimed in Pamplona the Republic of the Euskera and over the poster of the Plaza de la Constitución has placed a poster that says the plaza of the Republic of the Euskera.
In Tudela the members of the Tuteran Euskaraz group have also met under the motto Euskara Ofcial throughout Navarra.
Herri bat kudeatzen ahal ote dea euskara hutsean? Abenduaren 3a, euskararen nazioarteko eguna kari, Ortzaize herriari begira jarri gira. Euskaraldian arigunea da Nafarroa Behereko Ortzaize. 15 hautetsietarik 14-k euskara dakite eta 15 egunez kontseiluko bilkurak eta... [+]
Zergatik ospatzen dugu abenduaren 3a? Noiz sortu zen Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna ospatzeko ideia? Peio Etxeberrik xehetasunak azaldu dizkigu.
Herri ekimenez eta ekitaldi instituzionalez bete dira Euskal Herriko txokoak Euskararen Nazioarteko Egunean. Iñigo Urkullu lehendakariak “hizkuntza ohiturak” aldatu behar direla nabarmendu du.
Irungo PP alderdiak hartu du hitza gaur, gazteleraz, denok aho bete hortz uzteko. Muriel Larrea, popularren bozeramaleak euskara ez dakitenek, berdin irundarrak eta euskal herritarrak edo baskoak direla aldarrikatu du, eta euskara eremu politikotik aldendu beharra dagoela... [+]
Aurten gehiegi pentsatu beharrik ez dago, zer egingo dugu bertso saioa, ginkana, txokolate jana, mosaikoa, lipduba? Horiek ere egingo dira, baina herri dezentetako herritarrek eta euskalgintzak motorrak berotuta dituzte. Kalera aterako dira egun osoz euskaraz egiteko asmoz.
EH Bilduk aurkeztutako proposamenak dio datarik egokiena dela, “euskara euskal herritarron batasuna sinbolizatzen duen ikur nagusia izanik”. EAJ abstenitu egin da eta PSE eta PP tramitazioaren aurka azaldu dira.
Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna iragan da. Alexander von Humboldten duela berrehun urteko iragarpena ez da oraindik bete. Alabaina, ezin ezkutatu zein soziologia espainola dugun Hegoaldean eta zein frantsesa Iparraldean!
Abenduaren 3 da Euskararen Eguna. EAEko Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetzak duela egun batzuk egin zuen adierazpen instituzionala. 700dik gora atxikimendu ditu. ELA eta LAB sindikatuek egin dute adierazpenaren kritika gogorrenetakoa. “Egia Euskaraz” estiloari... [+]
Abenduaren 2rako egitaraua prestatu dute arduradunek. EHUko Leioako Campusean egingo dituzte ekitaldiak.