September 11 begins the School of the Word and until March 28, 2020 will work from different areas one of the most basic tools used by the human being: the word. The registration period was opened on 10 May and may be registered until 10 June. The capacity is 12-15 people, according to the Dinamoa Sormen Gunea of the Biscay town.
Among the people who will teach in Azpeitia there are several referents in their areas: The journalist and director of Jakin Lorea Agirre, the Basque head of Berria and the corresponding member of Euskaltzaindia Irene Arrarats, the former editor of the editorial Susa Gorka Arrese, the writer Harkaitz Cano, the bertsolari and communication expert Igor Elortza and the actress Miren Gaztañaga.
Classes will be held every Wednesday from 18:00 to 20:00 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 13:00. Registration can be done by clicking on this link.
The word, accompanied by sound, body and image, will be one of the main fields of the Dinamoa Creative Space, which is about to open. This place has been assigned to him “for understanding that in creative spaces in general the word is usually a little marginal”, considering that in the culture each chooses his own expression, but also drinks from other expressions. “The writer does not only feed on literature, cinema, art, but also music, and after all, he has the same life in its entirety, in his inability to deal with it, the matter of work. But the tool is the word, the language is the raw material, and you have to master the same language to start playing, tell what you think. And so are the bertsolaris, or the writers, but also the announcers or translators; we often find it hard to believe that their work is creative, not so obvious, but we cannot deny that they have a lot of creativity, to look for the best way to respond to the needs of the moment.”
The School of the Word seeks a whole, the appropriation of the word by the new generation, “the way to take the word”.
Children have, and some adults have not lost the tendency to creation. Perhaps all of us who tend to immerse ourselves in creation will not do nice jobs, but I think the experience is similar: when you are there you can put aside many things to have a good life in this world:... [+]
Emakume sortzaileak biltzen dituen Dinagu kolektiboak azoka antolatu du martxoaren 12an, Aiaraldeko Faktorian (Laudio). Emakume sortzaileen lana bisibilizatzea eta sortzaileen beharretara egokitzen diren ekimenak sortzea helburu, “herriz herri sortzaileak batuko dituen... [+]
“Barraka” abentura bideo-joko umoretsua garatzeko urtebete izango du Ibai Aizpurua diseinatzaile eta programatzaile irundarrak. Horretarako 15.000 euroko laguntza irabazi du Durangoko Azokaren laugarren sormen bekan.
Dinagu Emakume Sortzaileen Kolektiboa Donostiako Egia auzoan, Teila Fabrikan, izango da abenduaren 18an eta 19an. Kolektiboa emakume sortzaileen lanei ikusgaitasuna emateko sortu zen duela hiru urte.