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Mutriku Natur Taldea pleads to the High Court of Justice for the dike

  • Calls for the suspension of the port project procedure for failure to comply with the legally established procedures.
Argazkia: Mutrikuko eta Lea-Artibaiko Hitza

27 October 2022 - 12:31
Last updated: 2022-10-28 08:00

Mutriku Natur Taldea has filed an administrative appeal with the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country, in response to works to improve maritime access to the port of Mutriku. It has also denounced the actions before the European Commission and called for the support of the European Commission for breaching environmental legislation.

“It’s time for wisdom to prevail in the future of our people,” said Rafa Pérez, head of the Mutriku Natur Taldea Group. The Group has requested the suspension of the procedure for failure to comply with the legally established procedures, submission of alternatives, drafting of technical reports, obtaining permits, etc. In addition, he says that they have started work without an environmental impact statement: “The procedure has been carried out through the Environmental Survey carried out in 2004. The project has been modified eleven times since the study was carried out. The law says that every time the project is modified, the environmental survey must be re-conducted.” Therefore, they consider it necessary to carry out a study carried out in accordance with current environmental legislation.

They denounce the situation before the European Union and ask the European Union’s Committee on Petitions to apply environmental legislation and to carry out a new evaluation of the works to justify their implementation.

Background. In March the Nature Group appealed against the dossier on the recruitment of works in order to paralyse them. But they rejected the appeal “for not being the company involved in the procurement”. In view of this, they say: “If it is not possible by administrative means, it will be tried by criminal means.”

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