Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Diesel: Volkswagen will have to pay users, but in case they return their car

  • In 2015, the German car manufacturer Volkswagen was transferred to the courts for the exchange of diesel engines in order to pass the emission controls on the engines. Five years later, the courts have given the right to a user and the company will have to compensate him if he removes the kilometres and returns the car to the factory.
Volkswagen enpresako fabrika bat. Argazkia: Milex Trade.

In 2014, the German dieselgate began its work in the courts. The user, Herbert Gilbert, claimed compensation of EUR 31,500 for everything he paid for the vehicle claiming "express moral damage". After five years in various courts, the German Supreme Court handed down the judgment condemning the company to pay EUR 25,600 compensation to the company, which deducted the number of kilometres travelled and forced the user to return the car.

The company has already reached agreements with 235,000 German customers, to which it will grant a total of EUR 750 million in allowances. In the United States, however, the compensation paid has been even higher, as the first country to bring the diesel to court has paid EUR 30 billion.

Volkswagen, which still has 60,000 complaints in Germany, has announced that it will try to reach an agreement with all of them, without going through the courts of justice. In fact, as the company has explained, if you go through the courts, users will have to return their car and “many want to keep the car because it works well”.

Despite the fact that the judgment of the German Supreme Court involves partial payment of compensation, the acceptance of users’ rights is an important step.

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