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From diagnosis to action: in Irun they struggle to improve the reality of educational centers

  • That in this course too much responsibility has been placed on families and workers, that not enough resources have been put in the centers, that new infrastructures are needed and that the local reality has not been taken into account, nor the physical and emotional health of the students. These are some of the conclusions of the Irungo Hezkuntza Plazara initiative. Having publicly presented the diagnosis, they have met with the City Hall and a number of measures have been agreed with the aim of responding to the current needs of education.

05 July 2021 - 08:27
Last updated: 10:32

The diagnosis has been based on a questionnaire answered by almost a thousand educators, family members and school workers from eighteen schools in Irun. In their conclusions, words such as "restlessness" and "loneliness" have been included, due to the lack of planning by the administration. They have not had sufficient resources for this course, adapted to the reality of each center and that take into account the physical and mental health of the students. This is what the Irungo Hezkuntza Plazara initiative says. What is more, they have stressed that the pressure from the associations of mothers and fathers has resulted in the administration spending resources on several occasions.

In these times of pandemic, the need to reorganize infrastructure and acquire new ones has been highlighted, placing municipal facilities at the service of educational centres. Favoring conciliation, encouraging the use of Euskera, reducing the number of students in the classroom and hiring more educators and workers are other demands they have highlighted.

Responsibilities to the City Hall

They have asked the City Hall for its responsibility and responsibility, and they have presented the diagnosis to the Irun Department of Education. The representatives of the initiative have stressed that they have agreed with most of the things pointed out in the diagnosis, “not with all”, and have agreed on measures for the next course such as the cleaning service, tents in the school patios and the use of public spaces for education.

“We have taken the first step towards collaboration. However, if the concern and discomfort of the community continue, we will continue to mobilize the educational community of Irun”, the representatives of the project said.

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