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Steilas denounces that the University of Deusto has fired professor Adrián Almazán for ideological reasons

  • Almazán started working in the course 2020-2021 and has been expelled at the beginning of this course by the University of Deusto. The Steilas union has denounced that the university has not given Almazán any clear reason and that it has been dismissed for its critical view of capitalism and for its militancy in the people.

22 October 2021 - 06:09

He was hired as an assistant professor doctor by the University of Deusto in Almazán, Center of Applied Ethics of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. The Steilas union has highlighted that the last course, in addition to working normally, the university valued Almazán's research work with "an excellent evaluation". The University of Deusto dismissed the professor at the beginning of this course, “just claiming vague justifications for the inadequacy of the institution or the demands of those responsible”. Almazán is a member of the Steilas trade union.

However, according to Steilas, the causes of dismissal are different: “What has happened is that the University of Deusto did not like the critical view of Adrián’s technology and capitalism, nor its active militancy in different social and environmental movements. Or Adrián’s renunciation of the institutional demands that seemed characteristic of commercial entities rather than of a university institution”.

Precarization sample

The union considers that the dismissal of Almazán is a "very serious" decision and contrary to "freedom of thought, professorship and research". He has described it as a sign of the precarious situation experienced by professors and university researchers, “especially in private universities”: “With contracts of works and services to be renewed annually, which are easily and at low cost without any need for justification”. The union has warned that the university’s privatization is being deepened, which is causing further precariousness.

Solidarity of Ekologistak Martxan

The environmental group Adrián Almazán, a member of Ekologistak Martxan, has made public a statement denouncing his dismissal and showing his solidarity: "Twenty-one. The freedom of professors and critical thinking are fundamental to face the ecosocial challenges of the 21st century". There have also been more expressions of solidarity, including that of the energy and growth expert, Antonio Turiel, who appeared before the media.

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