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Legal vacancy denounces illegal eviction of a family in Vitoria

  • The Socialist Council of Vitoria and the Housing Union have held a press conference to report on the situation. They denounce that the company "insults and threatens" the family that lives on the floor. Previously, the family was harassed by the owner.
Etxebizitza Sindikatuak familia kanporatzeko "berehalako arriskuan" dagoela ohartarazi du. (Argazkia: Etxebizitza Sindikatua)

27 September 2023 - 08:03
Last updated: 11:05

The Socialist Council of Vitoria and the Housing Union denounce that a company against the occupation is trying to unlawfully evict a family from Vitoria. A press conference was held on Tuesday to make the situation known.

A member of the family is part of the union and in July the company Legal Vacancy contacted him several times. They wanted to convince him to leave the house and to do so they offered him a "small financial aid". In early September, they put a sticker of the company on the door and sent voice messages to the mobile phone "insulting and threatening". The company told him that in September they wanted to "fix" the issue, "to avoid major evils." On Monday, two men appeared on the portal threatening.

The union explains that the eviction attempt is illegal because the family has a contract and is paying the rent. They warn of the risk of these people returning home to try to expel the family vigorously.

Harassment of the owner

Since 2021, a member of the union and his family has been living in this Zaramaga home. In January 2023, the landlord wanted to throw the family out of his house for his own use. They asked him for the necessary documentation to prove that need, but he sent them nothing. Meanwhile, the family continued to pay the rent.

In May, the situation began to harden, as the owner began to move to the house to "disturb, threaten and attack" residents. In addition, he changed the storage room lock twice and the union was unable to catch its turtles. In June, the head and legs of a pig appeared at the door of the house.

Fascist unemployment company

The trade union denounces the "fascist character" of unemployment companies. "They are illegally and parapolitically hired by large owners and, above all, by small owners. Fascist violence reaches where the state does not reach." According to the union, the activity of these companies is part of a general process: Exclusion of the proletariat from unprofitable housing arrangements. They add that vacancy companies are responsible for the criminalization of the proletarians, as in addition to eliminating the poor, they contribute to creating a social context to justify and defend the process.

On the occasion of "immediate risk", the Housing Union of Vitoria-Gasteiz will hold an assembly on Friday at 19:00 hours in Fermín Lasuen Street No. 1 of the Zaramaga district.

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