"The ikastolas were built without your permission, thanks to the work and struggle of hundreds of Euskaltzales in Euskal Herria. We're not going to ask your permission to get new rights." With this determination, about 40 students of the Bernat Etxepare Lyceum in Baiona have responded in Basque to the examination of low philosophy. Thus, they explained that in the first part of the exam they have ratified their request to study in Basque in French, and subsequently answered the questions written in Basque.
This action also sought to denounce the attitude of the French State in the teaching of minority languages, such as the decisions taken with the Molac law. In this context, they have placed the ban on the use of the Basque language, although "the vast majority of the society of Ipar Euskal Herria" argues that the examination can be carried out in that language, alluding to the manifestation of May 29.
The action has been made known to the Liceo and Kazeta.eus has collected its words: "Although some do not believe it that way, philosophy can also be done in Basque. In addition to reflecting, the students also go to the facts". The students are aware that these tests are not going to be corrected and now they have two notes: one exam and one full course, and they will choose one of them. "We think that by going to Euskera we will have 0. But we hope it's not a 0."
The action aimed to convey a message of solidarity to the students, teachers and parents who struggle to follow their studies in Basque. This week a group of SEASKA professors announced that they disobeyed and will refuse to run Brebeta, because the right to study in Basque is being violated. On the other hand, a group of parents have occupied the school of Idauze-Mendi to set in motion a teaching project in Basque and a model of immersion.
The public school of Idauze Mendi is being run. The participants include Department Counsellor Jean-Pierre Mirande; Johañe Queheille de Alzürüku; Mayor of Idauze-Mendi, Renée Carrique; and Maite Echeverría de Ozaze-Suhara.
Immersion model in Idauze-Mendi now! pic.twitter.com/UrKQSE59R1
— Basque Confederation (@Confederación) June 17, 2021
On 1 July the students will hold a demonstration in Donapaleu in favour of the exams being held in Euskera and have made an appeal.
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