If the indicators of the pandemic are the ones predicted, the French State will begin decontainment on 11 May. That is what Philippe said.
Prohibition of child face masks
The return to schools will be voluntary for students and will start from the Haurreskolas. In each class, no more than 15 students will attend at the same time, hydroalcoholic gel will be distributed to teachers, students and workers, and the teachers and staff must wear a mask at times when they have problems to ensure physical distance. Child face masks, except in exceptional cases, shall be prohibited.
The Prime Minister has also pointed out that shops will be able to open their doors, but not bars, restaurants and hotels, the opening of which will be reviewed from June of this year. Fairs will also be authorized in the localities, but the final decision will be taken by the mayors and mayors.
As far as work is concerned, the Government has recommended teleworking and as far as it is not possible, companies will be encouraged to have tiered hours so as not to saturate the means of transport. Precisely, metro, train and bus services, as well as school buses themselves, must halve the number of passengers in order to ensure physical distance. In these means of transport the use of surgical masks will be mandatory.
Without collective sport
Sports clubs will not be allowed for the time being, neither the football league, nor those playing in closed places. The cinemas, the concert halls, the great museums… will remain closed for the moment. However, small exhibition halls and cultural centres can be opened, provided that the physical distance is guaranteed.
Following the announcement of the measures, the Prime Minister has admitted that there is a risk of economic collapse for Greece.
Horren arabera, datorren astelehenetik aurrera, orain arte COVID-19ari aurre egiteko neurriak bertan behera geratuko dira Eusko Jaurlaritzaren eskumeneko alorretan. Labi bera ere desegin egingo dute.
That's the summer that we have, and with it the holidays that we usually link to this season, as if they were a reward to everything that has been given throughout the year. And again people want to go away. He wants to be on the famous coast, marvelous nature or the world's... [+]