Fati Dosso and her daughter Marie are killed in the border desert of Libya and Tunisia. Fati was born in the village of Man in Côte d'Ivoire (Africa). The situation led him to live in Libya at the age of 5. At 6 years of meeting her husband, Pato, the Libés, her daughter Marie was born. Like thousands of other Africans, they made many attempts to enter Europe. However, the organization Refugees in Libya, which has told its history, has explained that Libya has ceded its attempt to cross the Mediterranean Sea. Then they went to Tunisia to live in it.
The problem is that they were also driven out of there without piety and abandoned in the desert. The photo shows that they had a tragic end, like hundreds and hundreds of people dying every year in the desert. To this day there is no news of her father separating from her mother and daughter after being expelled from the border.
As is often said in the anti-racism demonstrations, they were not mere numbers, but were called: Fati and Marie.
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