The Institute for Degrowth Research (Institutet För Nerväxtstudier in Swedish) brings together academics, students and entrepreneurs to heat up degrowth debates in the Nordic countries and around the world.
6 of Malmö International. The General Assembly will have two more ‘twins’ assemblies this year: Fill one from 4 to 6 September in Mexico City and fill it in at the European Parliament headquarters in Brussels on 18 and 19 September.
Why the title “Dialogues of Turbulent Times”? The organizers argue that although the intertwined ecological, social and economic crisis has long been said by the movement for degrowth, it is appearing in everyone’s eyes right now: the proliferation of wars mainly in the Middle East, new studies that say that climate changes are accelerating, mass migrations... As if that were not enough, even in the West that seemed apparently more stable, dramatic changes are taking place with Brexit, the recent US elections, etc.
“That is why we say that we live in turbulent times, full of anguish, insecurity and fear. The other side of the coin, however, is that new forms of organization are proliferating, global solidarity and courage and that the potential for transformation has also increased in the way that degrowth defends, combining ecological sustainability, social justice and human progress. For this potential to materialize, global dialogues between different geographic regions and perspectives are needed. Both in the academic world and in the context of entrepreneurs, it is vital for the degrowth to organize a dialogue between schools of thought and different movements of transformation.”
These days the conference is showing different faces of the Malmön degrowth. In the program, on the one hand, the skeleton has been formed by academic conferences and round tables, but around them there are cinema, theater and concerts related to the subject, a fair of associations and entrepreneurs coming from all over the world, a world food and cooking exhibition, a stage of degrowth actions, etc.
On 3 September the Official Bulletin of Navarre published the announcement by the Government of Navarre announcing the update of the Navarre Energy Plan. This should be an important step for the future of our community, taking into account the importance of energy and its use... [+]
We have had several crises in recent years. Firstly, the economic crisis that had devastating and global effects in 2008, of which we have not yet recovered 15 years later. Then came a crisis as a result of a serious global pandemic and, finally, we are in a new crisis of prices... [+]
In the short term, humanity has at least two major existential problems -- atomic war, half forgotten, but -- and climate change. The first would be fast and the other would be slower in the face of our lives, but very fast in view of the history of humanity.
It is undeniable... [+]
Antonio Turiel (Leon, Espainia, 1970) ingeniaria itzal handiko aditua da energia-krisia, iraunkortasuna eta desazkundeari lotutako gaietan (ARGIAk 2015ean elkarrizketatu zuen). Berrikitan bere The Oil Crash blogean argitaratu du urtarrilaren 15ean a Vall d'en Bas (Katalunia)... [+]
In these times of impoverishment, it is a mockery that the Provincial Council of Bizkaia wishes to spend more than EUR 400 million on the construction of the subfluvial tunnel. Moreover, looking at the economic and technical dimensions of the infrastructure, who can assure us... [+]
The Economic Development Advisor of the Government of Navarra, Manuel Ayerdi Olaizola, has just published in several Navarros newspapers the opinion article "Reducing the temperature of the planet is a priority". In it, it tells us about the unsustainability of our community's... [+]
It seems that behind the coronavirus pandemic there is a loss of biodiversity in many areas of the world. Whole ecosystems disappear to accommodate the crops and companies that the capitalist system needs. In the absence of plant and animal diversity, diseases affecting wildlife... [+]