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Conference on growth in Pamplona from 21 to 24 October

  • The Coordinator against the Large Renewable Polygons in Energy Transformation of Navarra convenes three days to rethink the energy transition. These meetings will reflect on the problem of energy and the need for a defrost in the social fabric.

11 October 2024 - 13:21
Last updated: 15:20

According to the organizers of the conference, the need to replace fossil fuels is pressing, but the deployment of renewable energies is too slow and also generates important environmental and social impacts. The current form of substitution presents obvious shortcomings which cast doubt on its effectiveness.

They say that it is necessary to implement energy consumption and material reduction in society. The conference will focus on the “real possibilities” of reducing these consumptions and the strategies that can be established for this purpose. The programme will therefore analyse the possibilities offered by the theory of growth to improve the current economic system.

The conference will feature four conferences, one workshop and one exhibition. They will be held from 21 to 24 October in Condestable de Pamplona (Casco Viejo, calle Mayor 2) and A la Plaza! Salas (Gran Vía, 31). Here's the detailed program:

Monday, October 21 at 18:00 in Condestable: What will we eat today? Feeding as a problem and feeding as a key to a desirable future. Rapporteur: Ivanka Puigdueta, PhD in Agri-Food Sciences, Polytechnic University of Valencia. Then, Climate Change as a result of consumption. Rapporteur: Julen Rekondo. Environmental Communicator and National Environmental Award.

22 October, Tuesday, from 18:00 a.m. in Condestable. Presentation of the book: Growth: from what to how. Proposals for the Spanish state. Author: Luis González Reyes. PhD in Chemical Sciences and member of Ecologists in Action, among others. Then, the Desazkundea proposals from an emergency optimism. Rapporteur: June San Millán García, Bachelor of Law and Worker of REAS Navarra.

October 24, Thursday, from 18:00 in the Plaza!, workshop analysis of the opportunities of Degrowth in Navarra, with members of the Subai Erakuntza Foundation. “What to do before Growth? The Notebook of Proposals for the Society of Navarra in the coming decades” will delve into the proposals made in the discussion document.

In addition, the Hamaika exhibition can be visited from 21 to 31 October at the entrance of the Plaza!. As you have explained, “it is an inventory of the infinite beauty that lives on this earth and a multidisciplinary art project.”


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‘Carmina burana’ by Carl Orff

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Musical Director: César Belda.
When: 5 October.
Where: Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao.


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When: 3 October.
Where: In the Muxikebarri room of Getxo.


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Eguneraketa berriak daude