In the short term, humanity has at least two major existential problems -- atomic war, half forgotten, but -- and climate change. The first would be fast and the other would be slower in the face of our lives, but very fast in view of the history of humanity.
It is undeniable that both concern the citizen, at least in the West, because the feeling of the citizens who are developing is something else: for those who are in trouble the future is today. Rising gases, electricity or fuels are on the agenda, both in institutions and in bars. The people have been put wrong again, and the authorities will tell you what is necessary to content it -- or to deceive it, because often there is not much difference between them.
Energy, energy and energy, we have nothing else in recent years and, of course, in recent days. The melodies of depletion of raw materials are very old. Yesterday, the limits of globalization and transport were evidenced by COVID-19; today, the war in Ukraine has exploited prices. It's all green hydrogen, renewable energy, wind, sun -- and technology. Saudi Arabia claims that by 2040 it will find the right technology to absorb CO2, while it needs to be studied and tested. And you've been reminded of the movie Don't look up, where the wealthiest offers the American president the miracle of technology to stop the meteorite coming directly to Earth, but ultimately all in vain.
This year has been half a century since the Club of Rome published its gigantic work The Limits of Growth. In 1972, what common sense revealed was illuminated by science; “If industrialization, food production and depletion of resources are maintained in the current trend, in a hundred years we will reach our limit”. With Azti's eyes, the decline was announced as of 2020. The warm ones had to be heard.
The road to collapse, of course, has not fallen from heaven, it is the cruel fruit of the capitalist system, the result of putting wealth and oppression at the centre rather than life. The greatest deception and deception was – and it is – that there has been no other alternative, as Margaret Tatcher said. But the capitalists, hard and soft, don't admit it. Not even our authorities, be they Urkullu or Chivite, Tapia or Irujo. The palaces of sustained economic growth do not speak of this ugly discouragement. Not in parliaments or other institutions and parties. Silence! That does not vote.
But like energy scarcity, time has also put degrowth on the agenda. It also notes how the growth forecasts of the International Monetary Fund or the more developed countries of the World Bank are reduced in the coming years. If that comes, the question is whether you are going to plan as much as this disaster of accumulating wealth today, giving a tough but dignified choice to the majority of the citizens, or whether the disaster of fascism will prevail.
On 3 September the Official Bulletin of Navarre published the announcement by the Government of Navarre announcing the update of the Navarre Energy Plan. This should be an important step for the future of our community, taking into account the importance of energy and its use... [+]
We have had several crises in recent years. Firstly, the economic crisis that had devastating and global effects in 2008, of which we have not yet recovered 15 years later. Then came a crisis as a result of a serious global pandemic and, finally, we are in a new crisis of prices... [+]
Antonio Turiel (Leon, Espainia, 1970) ingeniaria itzal handiko aditua da energia-krisia, iraunkortasuna eta desazkundeari lotutako gaietan (ARGIAk 2015ean elkarrizketatu zuen). Berrikitan bere The Oil Crash blogean argitaratu du urtarrilaren 15ean a Vall d'en Bas (Katalunia)... [+]
In these times of impoverishment, it is a mockery that the Provincial Council of Bizkaia wishes to spend more than EUR 400 million on the construction of the subfluvial tunnel. Moreover, looking at the economic and technical dimensions of the infrastructure, who can assure us... [+]
The Economic Development Advisor of the Government of Navarra, Manuel Ayerdi Olaizola, has just published in several Navarros newspapers the opinion article "Reducing the temperature of the planet is a priority". In it, it tells us about the unsustainability of our community's... [+]
It seems that behind the coronavirus pandemic there is a loss of biodiversity in many areas of the world. Whole ecosystems disappear to accommodate the crops and companies that the capitalist system needs. In the absence of plant and animal diversity, diseases affecting wildlife... [+]