Recently we have had other arguments to convince us of the need for macro-projects in the surroundings of Euskal Herria. An example of this was the article published on the website of the EHNE of Bizkaia to one of the participants of the Ecosocial Jump initiative: "For custom-made renewables." The starting point is in the "total emergency" situation that has occurred in recent times. It gives us forecasts that are at the bottom of the 2030 Agenda, because "they come from Europe" absolutely reliable, you know, because politicians there, and researchers, have no interest in the business of this issue, are "absolutely impartial". Catastrophic scenarios, with millions of climate refugees, decay of agricultural land, etc. World war against the invisible enemy. And of course, we're also not going to value the existence of researchers who say that these predictions are manipulated in an interested way, because we're going to label them as "negationist," which has long been very interesting for business.
Emergencies leave no room for debate, and anyone who wants to drive public debate becomes "irresponsible". You're with God or with the devil, and if you don't accept the creed in its entirety, it's because you're dealing with the devil. And, therefore, he will be denied the right to speak and, as evil is contagious, he will be excluded "for the sake of society". We have in this town a fairly obvious historical background of this kind of situation.
Based on these forecasts, a number of requirements are set for 2030, with the aim of achieving a massive deployment of renewables. In essence, although the analysis of the situation may be different, like angels, we demons can regard it as a legitimate end. How should this be done, where is the debate? Deep down, Ecosocial Jump activists seem to want to make a "leap," scared by the climate emergency situation. They tell us: "Let us save the world first, then make sure that they are democratic and that infrastructures, rather than private ones, are public," he added. Because macroproblems are not solved by micro-responses. In short, because we have macro-projects everywhere (large service infrastructures, or the main farm systems, for example, are macro-projects), and if the energy macro-projects are only carried out in areas already occupied by buildings, we would not reach 10% of the energy consumption we have.
We have recently learned that some political groups have given priority to the construction of a "common front" to carry out certain macro-projects in the run-up to and entry into force of the Sectoral Territorial Plan.
Forgive the "understandings", priests of the new creed, who present us the catastrophic predictions such as the descent to the Infiernos del Greco, if I show suspicion of the latter "datum" (which have the "strange tendency" to present the forecast as data). We have recently learned that some political groups have given priority to the construction of a "common front" to carry out certain macro-projects in view of the elaboration and entry into force of the Sectoral Territorial Plan. This "front", which aims to overcome the resistance of the population, would aim to carry out at least three or four of the twenty-four macro-projects initially proposed in Álava, claiming that this minimum is "absolutely necessary".
And what I'm not an "expert" has occurred to me to do a small calculation. Going into the Alavese cadaster, I measured the surface given to us by the rooftops of the industrial polygons of Vitoria. Gb. two thirds of the areas, if the calculation is taken into account, exceed 650 hectares. This is only in Vitoria-Gasteiz, and only in industrial sites, not to mention the areas of parking, public buildings, housing blocks, etc. Each of the projects they have submitted ggb. Bearing in mind that it would have an area of 100 hectares, it is clear that there is a surplus area for three or four projects. But in order for this to be possible, our politicians should, instead of trying to make a dip with Solaria, do the same thing that the Cabanillas del Campo (Guadalajara) city council has dared to do to draw up a Territorial Sectoral Plan: to allow self-consumption facilities for households and industries, but to limit macro-projects for energy exploitation to qualified industrial areas, both rural and residential.
And one final point: in the article we have referred to in the beginning, we are told that, well, macro-projects for renewables do not harm the environment so much, that a high percentage of materials are recyclable, etc. Take a look at the documentary Irrenewable Lives, which shows us the terrible consequences of the macro-projects of renewables that have already been underway for years in rural areas of Spain or are already in decline. These are the real "data", not the "European forecasts", which are already quite terrible.
Mikel Larrañaga Arrangi, Bachelor of Philosophy and Doctor of History
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ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.
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