Dr. Denis Mukwege (1955) "gives his life by defending women who have been raped to scare populations during the wars of Congo and Africa," the Nobel jury said. Panzi is the head of the hospital in the city of Bukavu. This hospital, opened in 1999, serves thousands of women each year, many of whom need a circle to alleviate the damage they have suffered from sexual violence.
Nobel Peace price winner Mukwege: 'We must shift shame from victim to rapist https://t.co/cY5P5G6OvL
— Robert Vinet (@Robert Vinet) October 9, 2018
Nadia Murad (1995) is the advocate of the Yezidi minority population of Iraq. Islamic State soldiers, captured in Mosul in 2014, were enslaved and raped over and over again. The Nobel Prize jury has highlighted that, after three months of flight, it had the courage to publicly denounce the evils suffered by him and many other women on the island. Over 3,000 girls and women have suffered these violence, used by the Islamic State as part of its military strategy against the Yezidis and other small populations.
ICAN Arma Nuklearrak Debekatzeko Nazioarteko Kanpaina koalizioak igandean jaso du Oslon Bakearen Nobel saria, urteotan egindako lan eta lorpenengatik. Sariak ohartarazpen sendo bat zabaltzen du, mundua sekula baino gerra giro beroagoa bizitzen ari den garaiotan.
Arma hauen “eragin katastrofikoa” azpimarratu dute Bakearen Nobel saria ICAN elkarteari emango diotela jakinarazi dutenean. Horrez gain elkarte honek arma hauek debekatzeko egindako lan eskerga ere eskertu dute.