"Some members of the General Boards have studied Master's degrees while holding senior public or business positions, as is the case of Denis Itxaso and José Ignacio Asensio, according to his professional curriculum and Linkedin networks. Ask them and other people with a Master's Degree: Can you make public the Master's Degree Thesis or the Tesinas to take a look? ", said Monteagudo in search of refuge.
Here you can see the resumes of these and other charges.
Gipuzkoako Batzar Nagusietako Ekonomia Sustapeneko batzordean ELAko kideek azalpenak eman dituzte lurralde horretako eraikuntzan langileen jasaten dituzten lan baldintzen inguruan. Abiadura handiko Trena ere jarri du mahai gainean Igor San Jose sindikatuko ordezkariak eta... [+]