A court in Paris has imposed a fine of EUR 375,000 on Deliveroo France, the largest penalty requested by the prosecution, and has sentenced two former company managers to 12 months in prison for "covert work". Another executive of the company has been found guilty of "complicity in clandestine tasks" and has been sentenced to four months in jail and a fine of EUR 10,000 fine. In addition, the court has ordered that the judgment be filed for one month at Delivero’s headquarters.
According to the Court, Delivero systematically concealed the works of the distributors to present them as self-employed, rather than as employees, in line with the ruling of the Spanish Supreme Court on false self-employed.
Deliveroo is responsible for "the instrumentalization and misuse of the ERTE", with the installation as self-employed of employees, the company "has systemically hidden" the work of these distributors, according to prosecutor Céline Ducournau. The aim of this scam has been to use distributors "at lower cost" and it does not matter if some feel "satisfied" or "free" with that status, the prosecutor explained in reference to one of Delivero's arguments to justify the supposed "micro-enterprise status" of workers.
For damages, the company Deliveroo has been sentenced to payment of EUR 50,000 to the five workers’ unions that have filed a civil claim for moral damages (CGT, Unión Solidaires, SUD-Commerces et services Ile-de-France and Syndicat national des transports légers).
2024ko laneko ezbeharren txostena aurkeztu dute LAB • ESK • STEILAS • EHNE-etxalde eta HIRU sindikatuek aurtengo otsailean. Emaitza larriak bildu dituzte: geroz eta behargin gehiago hiltzen dira haien lanpostuetan.
Jakina da lan ikuskariak falta ditugula geurean. Hala ere, azken egunotan datu argigarriak ematea lortu dute: lan ikuskaritzaren arabera, EAEko enpresen %64ak ez du ordutegien kontrolean legedia betetzen. Era berean, lehendakariordeak gaitzetsi du, absentismoaren eta oinarrizko... [+]
LANBIDE has launched an anti-fraud campaign in Income Guarantee Income and has created an anonymous whistleblower. Responding to the criticisms received, he said that this mailbox was merely an instrument for ordering complaints and notifications. It does not promote class... [+]