This news was posted by Goiena and we brought it thanks to the Creative Commons license.
Here is the note sent by this group of parents to the media, translated entirely into Basque:
"Comprehensive solution for children with various problems
We are a group of fathers and mothers who have been managing a serious problem for years. Our sons and daughters have different pathologies and we find it impossible to solve them, especially because we do not find comprehensive solutions. Our child, for example, has been diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactivity and, in this sense, has developed drug consumption and addiction. When they go out into the street, they use drugs to try to bridge that gap that is their own and, thus, exacerbate the problem, as cannabis is a potent neurotoxic. What was an isolated problem starts to get complicated and leads to more and more serious consequences. There are specific associations to answer each type of problem, but there are no associations to answer both problems.
However, there is a third factor: our children are not well; some of them commit crimes, and it seems that they are young people who do not have control of families. Their parents tell us: “You have not set limits to them!” But that's not true, because we've tried to do everything that's in our hands, from love and discipline. They lack the capacity for reasoning. They move in a totally emotional world, and they have blockages that keep them from thinking clearly. As a result, they move through impulses, which makes it extremely difficult for parents to control. They are people with low self-esteem, no personal accomplishments, which increases their long-term anxiety. This discomfort is even greater when they see that the young people who accompany them become masters of their own lives and through drugs they get the solution to their discomfort. These are vulnerable people who need the help of psychotherapists in order to advance through small achievements. The aim is to use that excess energy that is their own to channel their lives. We clearly see society’s rejection of them and them, who are agitated in the face of the lack of direction of these young people. It is very difficult to explain that they commit crimes, but they are not criminals. They commit crimes without knowing why and why, so the solution is psychotherapy and community work, not jail. Do you really think it's going to get you into the bars? For those with low self-esteem, do you think the path of sanction is the right one? The only thing the judges who defend it do is to make the matter even more complicated.
In our view, the solution is and we are working towards this: bringing together administrations, public health services, social services and the actors working to facilitate access to the world of work, to address this problem. In the Basque Country there is an association, called Abegia, which works with people with very diverse pathologies, but with fourteen places for the whole of the Basque Country.
Family members need help. Parents, brothers -- we feel tired and disappointed. Our lifestyle is based on these children who are full of problems, always waiting for what the next mistake can be… We feel guilty, not guilty. We've been looking for solutions for years, but we've only found patches. We live under circumstances and we don't know what to do. Our forces are exhausted. We are waiting for an organization to help us effectively, to get out of a situation that has no end.
Please help me. Our children want to be happy and useful to society. But it seems that, right now, society is turning its back on them.
Bi erizainetatik batek lanean eraso sexistak jasaten dituela azalerazi du Erizainen Ordenak joan den urte bukaeran egin ikerketak. 21.000 erizainek ihardetsi dute, sektore pribatu, publiko eta liberaletik. Hauetan 2.500 gizonak dira.
These were my last words when we left, held hand in your deep breathing sleep. Your heart stayed forever without a special, simple, dignified pain. As you want and demand. How we want and respect.
Already a month before the arrival of winter, the last days of the longest night,... [+]