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The Tribunal Dei agrees with the Cooperativa Lechera del País Vasco CLPB

  • The Dairy Cooperative of the Basque Country (CLPB) sued the company Axima Refrigeration for the defective construction of the Aldude gas station. The court has given the right to farmers, to whom the company will have to pay EUR 1 million. The intangible damages section, however, has been made available to the Baiona Examining Court No. 1.

31 March 2022 - 09:55
2014ko argazki bat, kooperatibako kideak gasnategiaren aitzinean (Argazkia: CLPB)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

"This decision is right for the Dairy Cooperative of the Basque Country (CLPB) and confirms that Axima Refrigeration is responsible for the failures detected and their consequences," notes the note sent by the Gasnategi de Aldude. Axima Refrigeration will pay this Aldude cooperative a million euros for the works he did inappropriately in 2014. On 29 March, the Aldude Gas Station was informed of the ruling: The Pau Court of Appeal has ratified the Baiona Court of Appeal judgment of 2019.

Intangible damage not clarified

However, the Court of Appeal has not clarified everything in the Nóos case. In particular, the cooperative Behe Nafarroa also accuses the company of the intangible damage caused by the incidents: It has caused damages amounting to EUR 11 million in the area of activities and sales, according to calculations from the cooperative. The Court of Appeal has made this section available to the Baiona Criminal Court. The peasants were not satisfied: "The cooperative must now wait for a new process to take place so that money can be returned to all producers."

Because of the economic situation, CLPB farmers are not fully paid for milk: According to the CLPP in January, the gas pipeline "is maintained thanks to producers". The cooperative was founded in the 1970s for the collection of cow's and sheep's milk from various farms in the French Basque Country.

In 2011 and 2014, the activity in Aldude was launched with the objective of building a gas station to advance the autonomy. Faced with the large and industrial gas stations circulating in the Northern Basque Country, they have an alternative to CLPB and is also known as the structure that carries out the fight against the industrial model.

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