You can use Deepseek via the web or by installing the app:
Both the web and the app can associate the same user, for example with a Google/Gmail identity, and then the same chats and interactions have appeared in both of them, with the possibility of reusing the text.
We’ve connected, and although we’ve only found the interface in Spanish, ask him or her to do it in Basque and answer perfectly. We asked him if he knows that Basque is an ergative language, and he answered us with a fairly straightforward analysis.
Then we asked the question... "If Andoni Mikel killed him, who is the murderer? ". He has identified it well, and since we have dealt with ergativity before, he has given us a further analysis of it:
We asked for more knowledge... From the village of Errenteria. He gave us this analysis (we copied the text literally).
Errenteria is a municipality in the Gipuzkoa region. Located close to San Sebastian, its strategic location and good transport connections give it a close connection with the capital and the surrounding towns. Here are some interesting facts about Renteria:
Industry and Economy: Errenteria is a town with a great industrial tradition. Historically, it has had a large number of ironworks and factories, and still has an important industry today.
Culture and heritage: The village has several historical buildings and interesting cultural heritages, such as the Town Hall of Errenteria and the Church of Santa Maria. In addition, the Río Barros crosses the village, offering a beautiful landscape.
Holidays and celebrations: La Rentería celebrates traditional festivities such as the festivities of San Marcial in honor of the patron saint of the town. The festivities include music, dance and other cultural and social events.
Education and sport: The village has several schools and colleges, as well as good sports facilities such as football fields, riding stadiums and gyms.
The gastronomy of: Like other villages in Guipúzcoa, Errentería has a traditional gastronomy and a strong pintxo-pot culture. You can try the local flavors in many bars and restaurants.
Errenteria is a municipality with a large population and its inhabitants form a lively and dynamic village. What else do you want to know about Renteria?
Then we ask him who is the most famous tenant... and he tells us that he is Xabier Lete! He gave us a decent summary of Let, but he invented one thing: it wasn’t Errenteria’s, but Oiartzun’s.
Silicon Valley-ko oligarkia AEBetako gobernura iritsi berritan lehertu da adimen artifizialaren (AA) burbuila. Txip aurreratuen erraldoia den Nvidia-k urtarrilaren amaieran izandako %16,8ko balio galera, egun bakar batean inoiz izan den burtsa balio galerarik handiena da... [+]
Geroz eta ekoizpen gehiagok baliatzen dituzte teknologia berriak, izan plano orokor eta jendetsuak figurante bidez egitea aurrezteko, izan efektu bereziak are azkarrago egiteko. Azken urtean, dena den, Euskal Herriko zine-aretoak gehien bete dituztenetako bi pelikulek adimen... [+]
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“I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it[...]”
Ezekiel 21:27 – King James Version
“Above all algorithms, below all algorithms”
Xabier Landabidea
I’m uncomfortable, uncomfortable with the almost religious attitude our society has taken towards technology, and... [+]
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Joan den astean, kanpoan geratzearen... [+]
Many years ago, Dr. I knew the abuse chatbot, and I also realized the speed at which people can engage with these machines. Being social animals, the relationship is natural and necessary, and as the name 'relationship' says, it always leads to a response from the other. Receiving... [+]