They warn that protests are taking place in San Sebastian and Valencia, Madrid and elsewhere against gynecological clinics that perform abortions. “We all know who is behind these calls: the extreme right. It was clear from the report published in the weekly Irutxuloko Hitza on May 6.”
The citizens of Gipuzkoa express their opposition to these manifestations “barely”, so they have not made another call in San Sebastian. “We want to take this opportunity to congratulate all Gipuzkoans and to appeal for them to remain vigilant: we don’t know when they will try to return to our streets.” Although the attitude of the citizens is being “modélica”, they are “very concerned” about the situation, because the callers “play with total impunity”, “without any institutional impediment”. In view of this situation, the City Council of San Sebastian and the Basque Government have asked the following questions: “How long will they continue to accept and authorise these initiatives that violate women’s fundamental rights? What will be your position from now on? Will you continue to give permission for this guy? Will you continue to make the defence of our fundamental rights available to the public, as it has been up to now?”
Feminist agents have stressed that since 14 April anti-abortion protests have been illegal. Remember what Law 4/2022 of April 12 says: “Anyone who persecutes a woman for annoying, vexatious, intimidating or coercive acts, in order to prevent the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy, to the detriment of her freedom, shall be punished by imprisonment for three months to one year or work for the benefit of the community of thirty-one to eighty days.” They consider that the current legislation should have “sufficient guarantees” so that such demonstrations are not seen on the streets. “Abortion is a fundamental right of all women, and institutions are above all to protect the fundamental rights of citizens.”
They therefore request the City Council and the Department of Security of the Basque Government: “Stop looking elsewhere and enforce the law. You have to ban this kind of project. Firstly, because they infringe the sexual and reproductive rights of all women. And, on the other hand, because they are illegal.”
A few weeks ago we heard Trump in the televised debate on the existence in his country of democratic states that authorize abortion after the birth of his son.
Judging by the character, it seems an absurd and improvised idea, but that same falsehood was heard in 2019 by Adolfo... [+]
Abortuaren eskubidea Frantziako konstituzioan sartu da aste honetan. Baina abortatzeko eskubidea ez da gaur goizeko afera. Jadanik 1970. hamarkadaren hasieran mugimendu azkarrak izan ziren eskubide horren erdiesteko Ipar Euskal Herrian.
Espainiako Estatuan Abortuaren aurkako lobbyak Abortuaren Legea erausteko beste saiakera bat egiten ari dira Gaztela eta Leonen. Hango gobernukide den Vox-ek iragarri du abortatu nahi duten emakumeei fetuaren taupadak entzunarazi edota ekografiak ikusaraziko dien protokoloa... [+]