Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Delegate of the Spanish Government prohibits the columns to be carried out in Pamplona during the Aberri Eguna

  • The delegation of the Spanish Government, claiming the situation of COVID-19 and the impossibility of guaranteeing security measures in this regard, has banned the columns of the Aberri Eguna which from different districts of Pamplona have been called to the Plaza del Castillo.
Debekua salatuz atera duten karteletako bat.
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

31 March 2021 - 12:04

This year, Euskal Herria Bat has appealed to take the seats of the people with all security measures and to follow the gesture that will be issued all together at 12:30 and to sing among all Txoriak-TXORI, Gernikako arbola and Ikusi Mendizaleak.

Dozens of cultural activities and events will meet in the extensive Navarra to follow the live gesture in the squares of the towns and sing. In Pamplona he also made several calls, including the columns mentioned. The columns, the masks, the room, the distances -- that had to guarantee all the security measures against COVID-19, have been banned.

On Sunday, April 4, there will be no columns finally from Errotxapea, Txantrea, Casco Viejo, Mendillorri and Donitango-Iturrama, but still, Euskal Herria Bat calls all citizens to participate in the act of following the gesture that will take place at 12:15 in the Plaza del Castillo to celebrate "Euskal Herbatera".

You are interested in the channel: Aberri Eguna
2024-04-03 | Patxi Azparren
Aberri Eguna 24 and New Cycle of Times

The chronicles say that the Aberri Eguna prior to Franco were very numerous. In 1934 in Vitoria-Gasteiz and 1935 in Pamplona more than 30,000 people met at a time when there was no private car. After the dictator's death, the Aberri Eguna had a rebirth in Hego Euskal Herria. In... [+]

Each party celebrates its Aberri Eguna, the prologue of the Basque elections
The PNV held the event in Bilbao, EH Bildu in Pamplona and EH Bai and Bagiraq in Uztaritze.

2023-04-12 | Euskal Irratiak
Mikel Iribarren
“Duela 60 urte, sekulako kuraia behar zen plazetan euskaldun gisa agertzeko”

Aberri egun jendetsua izan da Itsasun igandean.1500 lagunek manifestaldian parte hartu zuten eguerditan, Bagira prozesuak deiturik. Itsasuko plazatik abiatu dira Atharriraino. Eta elizaren ondoko oroit harrian izan dira hitzaldiak.

2023-04-11 | Leire Artola Arin
The Bagira process begins the strategic reflection of the Abertzale movement to the Aberri Eguna of 2024.
The Iparralde Abertzale movement met in Itsasun on 9 April, 60. To celebrate the Aberri Eguna, the Bagira process announced the opening of a “new phase”. They call to participate and meet reading the document Izan gara, bagira, izango da.

2023-03-28 | Euskal Irratiak
Itsasun ospatuko da Bagira ekimenaren Aberri Eguna

Bagira ekimenak, abertzaletasunari hats berria eman nahi dio Iparraldean. Transmisio historikoa landu da lehen fasean. Aberri Egunetik goiti gogoeta berriak abiatuko ditu, bide-orri berri bat adosteko.

Act calls to meet in Gernika the Aberri Eguna
The coordinator invites the entire staff of Euskal Herria to participate. It indicates that it is a day to claim the "identity of the Basque Worker".

2022-02-21 | ARGIA
Aberri Egunean “keinu bat batera” egiteko deia

Euskal Herria Batera plataformak dei egin du Aberri Egunaren bueltan antolatutako Udaberriko ikurraldia ekimenarekin bat egiteko, nork bere erara, "herritarron esku baitago euskal komunitatearen ospakizuna antolatzea eta ikurrak lau hazietara banatzea". Aurten beteko... [+]

"Aberri Eguna, noren eguna?"
Rosa Olivares-ekin elkarrizketan.
EMK-LKI, Rosa Olivares
"Aberri Eguna, noren eguna?"
–Zein da aurtengo Aberri Egunerako hartu du. zuen lema?
–Nahiz eta oraindik ez dugun esaldia zehaztu EMK eta LKIk batera Iruñera eramango dugun lema,... [+]

Aberri Eguna Beti Borrokaren Zentzua Izan Da
Jokin Gorostidi eta Itziar Aizpurua
Aberri Eguna Beti Borrokaren Zentzua Izan Da
Jokin eto Itziar, gehienetan elkarrekin ageri den bikotea. Biok Herri Batasunako militanteak dira, eta bertako Mahai Nazionaleko partaideak. Beregana jo dugu Aberri Eguna gertu dugula eta,... [+]

2021-05-19 | ARGIA
The City of Vitoria-Gasteiz applies the Moorish Law to three neighbours for hanging the ikurrina of a streetcar
The Local Police of Vitoria-Gasteiz identified three people hanging the ikurrina of a streetcar at the gates of the Aberri Eguna. They have been subject to the Moorish Act and a fine of EUR 100 has been imposed on each of them.

2021-03-15 | ARGIA
The Basque Herria Batera initiative calls to celebrate the Aberri Eguna singing together in the plazas
The initiative proposes to meet on April 4 in the squares for the Aberri Eguna of 2021. The promoters of the call have called for a community "with decision-making capacity and all the necessary political and social rights".

Eguneraketa berriak daude