This year, Euskal Herria Bat has appealed to take the seats of the people with all security measures and to follow the gesture that will be issued all together at 12:30 and to sing among all Txoriak-TXORI, Gernikako arbola and Ikusi Mendizaleak.
Dozens of cultural activities and events will meet in the extensive Navarra to follow the live gesture in the squares of the towns and sing. In Pamplona he also made several calls, including the columns mentioned. The columns, the masks, the room, the distances -- that had to guarantee all the security measures against COVID-19, have been banned.
On Sunday, April 4, there will be no columns finally from Errotxapea, Txantrea, Casco Viejo, Mendillorri and Donitango-Iturrama, but still, Euskal Herria Bat calls all citizens to participate in the act of following the gesture that will take place at 12:15 in the Plaza del Castillo to celebrate "Euskal Herbatera".
The chronicles say that the Aberri Eguna prior to Franco were very numerous. In 1934 in Vitoria-Gasteiz and 1935 in Pamplona more than 30,000 people met at a time when there was no private car. After the dictator's death, the Aberri Eguna had a rebirth in Hego Euskal Herria. In... [+]
Aberri egun jendetsua izan da Itsasun igandean.1500 lagunek manifestaldian parte hartu zuten eguerditan, Bagira prozesuak deiturik. Itsasuko plazatik abiatu dira Atharriraino. Eta elizaren ondoko oroit harrian izan dira hitzaldiak.
Bagira ekimenak, abertzaletasunari hats berria eman nahi dio Iparraldean. Transmisio historikoa landu da lehen fasean. Aberri Egunetik goiti gogoeta berriak abiatuko ditu, bide-orri berri bat adosteko.
Euskal Herria Batera plataformak dei egin du Aberri Egunaren bueltan antolatutako Udaberriko ikurraldia ekimenarekin bat egiteko, nork bere erara, "herritarron esku baitago euskal komunitatearen ospakizuna antolatzea eta ikurrak lau hazietara banatzea". Aurten beteko... [+]