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The City Council says Deba's library has "limited space" to prohibit children from being present at most hours

  • Children under 6 years of age can only stay at Deba’s library for an hour a day. The municipal government has argued that "the available space in the library is limited," but it has not clarified why the time restrictions they impose for this limited space only apply to children.
Debako Udala

11 February 2025 - 07:00
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

We’ve just heard about the light: Children under 2 years of age are not allowed to be in the library of Deba; children between 2 and 6 years of age are not allowed to be in the library for the rest of the day unless it is from 4.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.; and children between 7 and 9 years of age are not allowed to be in the library in the morning until they turn 15 (children between 7 and 9 years of age are allowed to be in the library from 4.30 p.m. to 7.45 p.m.). There are also more restrictive measures.

Library The response of the municipal government of Deba comes after the group of citizens denounced these measures and asked them to change them. In a statement, he refers to the space, even saying that they do not have additional space that could allow a different reorganization, and that changing the aforementioned measures could “create new imbalances”, “influencing other groups of users” and “making it difficult to coexist”. Thus, managing the space “in a realistic way”, they affirm that “it is the responsibility and duty of the municipality to take care of the interests and needs of all citizens”. They add that the situation at the Ostolaza library is not “a whim of the municipal government”, but rather a reflection of the experience that the library, which has been open for more than twenty years, has acquired during those years.


It is surprising, however, that in this spatial organization to meet the needs of all, children are the only ones affected, because prohibitions are only for them and their needs. There is no time limit for adults as long as the library is open. In addition, according to the study conducted by the municipal government itself, the average number of users of the children’s and youth library in Deba is 8 people per day (including those who come to deliver the book) and the children’s library has 23 seats.


The group Library for All tells LUZ that they have been surprised to read that changes can “complicate coexistence”, considering that inside the library the children’s library is a space separated by walls and a door of its own.


Despite the space issues, the group says that the municipal government’s communiqué to deny other requests from the group of citizens has no reason: “For example, 0-2 year-olds in Deba can’t take out their user card (in other local libraries); and in Deba’s children’s library, they can’t ask to bring a book from another book. What does this have to do with space? Why can't children use paintings in the children's library?


In the statement, the municipal government says it has addressed the issue three times directly with the Library for All group and has also discussed it in the municipal committee. The group of citizens tells LARA that in their opinion these meetings have not been a space for constructive discussion: “Even our smallest proposal, the possibility of testing the changes, has been rejected.” The group urges the city government to initiate a plan of reflection in the town: “What the library has been, what it is now and what it can be from now on, we would need an open look and a willingness to collaborate.”


Who has the last word?

To demand his intervention in this situation, a massive letter has been sent to the Basque Library Service in Deba, promoted by the members of the Library for All group. After all, as we told LA LUZ the website of the Service says: “The Basque Government Library Service is responsible for the management of public libraries in the Basque Country”. LUZ contacted Miguel Ángel Domingo, head of the Library Service, but we have not received a response. The government’s statement made it clear: “Any change in the regulations of use is the direct responsibility of the City Council.”

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