Two further resignations for irregular vaccination in centers in Osakidetza, Iratxe Ocerin and Ana Bereziartua, of the Board of the Integrated Health Organization OSI Debabarrena, have resigned for having violated the vaccination criteria and having received the vaccine.
The Health Advisor, Gotzone Sagardui, said at a press conference on Wednesday that members of Debabarrena's management team put the vaccine, including the nursing director and the resigned medical director. According to Sagardui, despite having management positions, they carry out an activity related to COVID-19 and were within the vaccination criteria.
OSI is responsible for the management of health services for the population over 76 years of age. This region comprises the following municipalities: Ermua and Mallabia from Bizkaia, and Eibar, Soraluze, Elgoibar, Mendaro, Deba and Mutriku from Gipuzkoa.
The case of the hospitals in Basurto and Santa Marina in Bilbao has shown the irregular distribution of vaccines. After being aware of these cases, the hospital management has recognized that some workers of the hospital in Santiago de Vitoria-Gasteiz who were not vaccinated according to the established criteria have been vaccinated. In the latter case, two OSI Debabarrena managers have resigned.
EH Bildu has called for the resignation of the Health Advisor and all those responsible for the cases in the Basque Country.
The counsellor Sagardui and the director of Osakidetza have to resign, they cannot follow another minute in their duties. ❗ Information has been hidden from us and lied.#VIP vaccines
— EH Bildu (@ehbildu) January 28, 2021
(We completed the news)
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