According to sources of the Sun, it was surprising how much waste was found yesterday afternoon in the area. Volunteers concentrated as much as possible and tried to divert the rest of the tidal load.
Eguzki has said that people who have worked on cleaning the esplanade between Deba and Zumaia have shown their "awareness and commitment" to nature and urban development. However, the members of the environmental group believe that the initiative is not sufficient to deal with the problems caused by plastic. According to the data provided, about 10 million tonnes of plastic arrive at sea each year.
In this sense, they have pointed out that the problem "is global" and that "needs a global solution". Firstly, they considered it necessary to limit the production of plastics and to take measures to ban plastics that cannot be recycled.
As long as administrations do not "take the problem seriously", citizens also believe that action can be taken on it. In his view, the awareness demonstrated by these measures can be an "incentive" for the authorities to take the decisions they should take.
Just as the beaches are cleaned, it is believed that the reception area between Deba and Zumaia should also be cleaned occasionally. Since it is a protected biotope, they consider that cleaning measures should be taken.
On the other hand, they have explained that the rivers and streams of Gipuzkoa also need cleaning: "They can't be motorways for plastics to take to the sea," he added.
This news was posted by Baleike and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
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