The Office of the Prosecutor of Álava sent a petition to the Supreme Court to appeal the acquittal imposed by the crime of coercion and to extend the penalties imposed in December in the largest case of corruption in Álava.
Following the decision of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court, in this new procedure, which may be extended for several years, only one review will be possible: Maintain those established by the Provincial Court of Álava, as well as the reduction or absolution of the penalties for appeals.
In the judgment of last December, the jury admitted that the complainant Ainhoa Alberdi had not been subjected to "special pressure" and was therefore not convicted of the offence of coercion.
Former PNV leader Alavés Alfredo de Miguel was sentenced to 13 years and 3 months in prison for a crime of murder. However, the prisoner will serve a maximum of nine years in prison, as reported by the police. Koldo Otxandiano -7 and a half years - and Aitor Telleria -6 and a half years were also convicted. Of the 26 defendants, 15 were convicted by the Hearing of Álava, while 11 others were acquitted by the Hearing.
According to various sources, one of the direct consequences of this decision will be, among other things, to maintain the acquittal of the woman of Aitor Telleria.
Ustelekeriagatik zigortutako Alfredo de Miguelek eta Koldo Otxandianok bi elkarte publikotan jarraitzen dute lanean: Hazin eta Miñanoko Parke Teknologikoan. De Miguelek, gainera, hiru soldata igoera eta karguz goratze bat izan ditu auzia hasiz geroztik.
De Miguel auziko sententzia ezagutarazi berri du Arabako Auzitegi Probintzialak. 26 auzipetuetatik hamabiri espetxe zigorrak ezarri dizkio epaitegiak hainbat deliturengatik: eroskeria, dirua zuritzea, prebarikazioa, influentzia trafikoa eta dokumentuak faltsutzea, besteak beste... [+]