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Data, reflections and dreams of dogs

Taiwango presidente Lai Ching-te / Wikimedia

16 January 2024 - 09:56
Last updated: 11:08

Data showed a fairly clear trend from the start. As the scrutiny of the presidential and parliamentary elections in Taiwan progressed, with Asian precision and speed, there was little room for interpretation.

As each and every one of the polls predicted, “the greens”, the Progressive Democratic Party of the current president Tsai, has won the votes to the presidency, as in 2016 and 2020, but with a clear percentage decrease compared to the results of 2016 and 2020 (which also advanced the polls). Its historical opponent, the “blue” Kuomintang, has also declined from the 2020 results. The third party, the Taiwan People’s Party of Ko Wen-jere, has been a “moral winner”, and its rise clarifies the decline of the other two. Not even participation seemed to be large-scale, which could be unexpected.

Once the story was over, the first visions were confirmed. The governing party holds the presidency with two and a half million votes, almost a third, and 17% lost. Kuomintage has also lost five percentages. Their losses, according to all appearances, were taken over by the third party that conducted the campaign, maintaining the status quo and proclaiming the priority of socio-economic problems over the two main parties. And abstaining, which has also increased somewhat.

The result of these results was confirmed in the parliamentary elections: the “blues” were slightly ahead of the “greens”, and the real decision is subordinated to third parties in a Parliament that for the first time in history has no absolute majority.

Nor did the basic political reading of this fact present an added difficulty, since, with minority power, it is not only possible to take the lead, but it is difficult for the “greens” to implement an independence that is the pillar of their political agenda and which the other two, more or less, reject. It is a trend suggested in the campaign itself, as the claim finds an increasingly warm reception in public opinion.

But look, it's pretty eye-catching with unanimity, the Western reviewers have solved ... Beijing would be the loser of the Taiwan elections, because Lai, who does not like anything, has won. Maybe because they expected something else? And on the reverse, are those results so satisfying for the Lai-Hsiao tandem or for which it's gone?

In Bizkitarte, a third-level, semi-anonymous official from Beijing goes out to give an answer that someone has called “moderate”. Always issue the doctrine. First course go to sleep

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