The City of Esku asked the citizens to write their demands in cardboard and spread them on social networks, and then move them to the squares of the town. It was held on 6 and 7 June in several localities in Navarre and will take place on 21 June in Navarre.
The action has been carried out under the motto “here we decide, citizenship decides”. The organizers have stated that it is necessary to respond to the crisis that we are experiencing and that which comes from Euskal Herria and among all. The callers have insisted on the need to reclaim the local sovereign decisions of the prisoners.
The message signs that individuals have brought to the people's streets have gathered demands of all kinds: anti-racists, environmental defenders, public service defenders, Republicans, who called for eviction of prisons, feminist messages...
At the event of the weekend the following message was explained by the colleague of Céline Esku Irati Elizalde: “We cannot respond to the health crisis or to the social and economic crisis that has turned our backs on citizenship. With the citizens we have to make the decisions here, in the Basque Country. We believe that we should use this turning point to reflect as a people, debate as a people, make decisions and guide the necessary changes.”
Frantziako itzuliak duen nazioarteko oihartzuna baliatuko du Gure Eskuk, 'Euskal Herria mundura' izeneko ekimenarekin. Tourreko lehen hiru etapak osoki Euskal Herritik pasako direla baliatuta, "inoiz egin den ikurrinik erraldoiena" zabalduko dute, eta 4.000... [+]
In this photo you can see the txamantxoia or LED spotlight of great power near the top of Mazeko (Belagua) adorned with flag and ikurriña of Navarra. It's powered by a three-battery system that you can see several kilometers in the evening. On 2 July, in the Via del Pirineo... [+]