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Bertsozale Elkartea organizes two classes of feminist bertsos for the next course

  • The Bertso Eskola that women perform will be their fifth year and for the first time the Bertsozale Elkartea association has organized a Bertso Eskola Feminist for men. Registration for the two bertsolaris schools will be open from 9 to 20 September.

28 June 2019 - 10:43
Ahalduntze Bertso Eskolan, Ainhoa Aranburu gaia jartzen eta Maialen Akizu eta Amaia Iturrioz bertsotarako prest. Argazkia: Bertsozale Elkartea.

Feminist Bertsolarism schools, both male and female, will have three bases (the same as the Ahalduntze Bertsos school has had since its inception): Diversity, commitment and experimentation. Within diversity is understood to make room for diversity between ages, levels of bertsos, character, feminist perspectives. To do so, they put care at the base of the group dynamics. Commitment is the only condition required to participate in the Bertso eskola, that is, to attend the sessions during the course and to adopt an attitude of improvisation. And they understand this bertsos school as a space to experiment, constantly evolving.

The Bertso Eskola Ahalduntze Bertso Eskola will also be aimed at all those who want to train in the plaza

In 2015-2016 the Bertso Eskola Ahalduntze was launched. So far, 26 bertsolaris have participated, and as soloists have been in charge of putting the issues to bertsolaris Ainhoa Aranburu and Arkaitz Goikoetxea. As reported by the Bertsozale Elkartea association, the seed of this project emerged from two meetings of women from the world of Bertsozale: At the 2013 Artaunsoro meeting, the Bertsolaris women showed the difficulties they had to act on the stage, and at the 2014 Azkizu meeting they stressed the need to create a working space to respond to this situation. This is how the Bertsozale Elkartea association created Ahalduntze Bertso Eskola, with the aim of promoting the dissemination of Bertsolaris women. This space was designed with the participation of bertsolaris women.

The next course, Ahalduntze Bertso Eskola will take a step further in her programming, which will also be aimed at women who want to train in the plaza. As soloists, Ainhoa Aranburu and Maite Berriozabal will compete.

Responding to the request of male bertsolaris

As the news from the web states, "many male bertsolaris have mentioned the need for this space to work feminism. Bertsolaris will be offered a theoretical base on feminism, there will be group dynamics and contributions of experts and/or experts, and it is intended to structure a space for reflection and exchange of experiences". The men's bertsos school will be held on a Saturday morning and there will also be a space for the practice of bertsos. The space presented by Kike Amonarriz will be attended by Arkaitz Goikoetxea and Iker Iriarte in the tertulia.

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