Former Health Advisor of the Basque Government Jon Darpón was signed by the company Keralty after resignation for job fraud in Osakidetza. He is currently in the leading position of the matrix with international projection in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.
According to Iker Rioja reporter Iker Rioja, it has been two months since he resigned in March 2019 before taking office in May 2019. The president of the plant located in the periphery of Vitoria-Gasteiz, in Arkaute, is Joseba Grajales, close to the PNV, and as reported by the media, his close colleague is now Jon Azua, former health advisor and former vicelehendakari of the Basque Government.
The Basque Government had to authorize this movement because the incompatibilities law passed in 2014 prevented the signing of Darpon by the Bank of Spain. Journalist Ahoztar Zelaieta posted on Twitter a photo on this topic.
— Ahoztar Zelaieta (@Ahoztar1972) October 7, 2019
Elkarrekin Podemos and EH Bildu, as well as the unions ESK and LAB have pointed out that this is "a clear example of revolving doors", a case of "golden retirement". The parliamentary groups that have made these statements say that they will "monitor" the relations between Keralty and the companies linked to Osakidetza, although none is ruled out.
Bilboko Portuko Agintaritzak Rikardo Barkala (Portugalete, 1955) izendatu du erakunde horretako presidente izateko. Kargua hartzerakoan nabarmendu dute pertsona “egokia” dela Bilboko portuan agintzeko, merkataritza itsasontzi kapitain ibili izan zelako.