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Abandon the dance because his friends make fun of it

  • He's six years old. I was dancing to taste. But parents have told us that he's going to leave the dance. The reason? At school, his friends make fun of him for dancing. Six years. And already suffering the violence of gender stereotypes. Enough! Parents, schools, teachers, pedagogues, media, political representatives, sports monitors and technicians, equality technicians, journalists... Where do we look?

18 July 2024 - 08:10
Last updated: 11:53
Argazkia: Felipe Loiola - Dantzan
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

But in the end they have learned

In a dance performance three or four boys move around the dancers, jumping, dancing and running, provoking those who dance,... It seemed to me that those guys like dancing, but they can't recognize it because it's poorly seen socially, and they're there, in the fight, the heart puts their feet to dance, but the head tells them at their feet that they shouldn't. The dance teacher has explained the situation to me: Some of those guys are dancing. They come to dance schools, but then they don't want to dance in the street. They're embarrassed to show that they dance in front of their friends.

I wonder if it is one of them who has insulted themselves from dancing in school. "No, it's another who abandons him because of the insults, but it doesn't matter, those who were in the square without power or desire have left the dance." Six, seven, eight years ... They have already learned that they have had to be a boy and therefore they should not like to dance. In the atmosphere of music and dance, their legs are activated on their own, but they have started to learn how to control them, they will move away from those dangers in the coming years, they have tied their feet to the rhythm of the ball and they will get that ridiculous yearning that threatens their masculinity to disappear from their bodies.

I don't like dancing.

Every time I'm told that there are few guys in the dance, I'm alarmed. "Little?" One is a lot. Every guy dancing is a miracle. It is against society, we do not support it, we do not value it; on the contrary, the dancing boys are despised and insulted". Receiving insults is very serious, but very few get insults. Most kids stop dancing before they get here. They learn right away that if you're a kid, you don't have to like the dance.

I'm sick of hearing about my parents. "My son doesn't like dancing." Every child likes to dance. GUZ-TI-E-I! DE-NE-I! Human beings are genetically programmed to like dance. The practice of dance brings an evolutionary plus to the human being, so the body secretes hormones that provoke pleasurable feelings when it listens to the music: dopamine, serotonin, endorphin... And in response, the body begins to dance, further stimulating hormone secretion. The influence of music and dance on the human being equates sex with drugs.

When shame and masculinity come together

Human beings have danced in all times of history and are danced in all cultures that exist in the world today. Dance is one of the characteristics of the human species. All kids dance in the early years, so yes, they also dance kids, and kids like to dance. As they get older, the kids get away from dance. Awareness of identity brings a series of emotions, including shame. As the masculinity model is reduced, kids learn that dance shouldn't like them.

Because young children don't know shame or gender roles. They learn in the socialization process and, therefore, as they become aware of them, they correct their behaviors. In view of the behaviors of the elderly and adults, and measuring how they are treated, children learn what gender role, boy or girl? It's touched them, and each model has been infamous and greedy. Other children, parents, teachers, adults and the media learn that dancing is a matter for girls, that boys should not dance, that it is a shame that boys dance and that their masculinity will be questioned if they realize that they like to dance.

[Infantile trial of aurresku in Ordizia, 16-7-2024]. Photo: Amaiur Aristi - Danza cc-by-sa

The social value of dance

The dance has been historically performed by both women and men. What's more, in some historical moments, men have shown their masculinity and their power through dance. In Western contemporary societies, dance has been eradicating itself from the masculinity model and has been increasingly linked to femininity. It doesn't happen outside of it, for example in Africa, dance isn't associated with a gender.

As for their social value, activities considered masculine, such as sports, are considered of great importance. However, those who are categorized as female activities are not recognized as having any importance. The author Mariasun Landa recently summarized this idea very well: "If men made crochet, today the museums of crochet would exist." Activities considered masculine must be carried out by the whole of society. Female activities are considered worthless hobbies.

Bodily policies in one direction

The bodily policies that are driven on the pretext of gender equality are one-way. Policies to promote physical exercise encourage women to practice sport. There is no minimum effort to encourage men to dance. The promotion of sport is an important part of education and health systems. Dance, despite being as beneficial from an educational and health point of view as any sports practice, is not encouraged. Why? Because masculinity doesn't consider dance as an activity of its own.

Masculinity relates dance to shame and ridicule. Our body is one of the main drivers of shame and let's not say anything when we put our body in motion. Putting our body in motion, both in sport and in dance, before people, requires a lot of self-confidence. If you shape yourself awkwardly into a physical activity, then shame manifests itself immediately. In sport, most women suffer a great loss of self-esteem and develop a inferiority complex with respect to men. On the contrary, the self-esteem of most men is strengthened thanks to the preponderance they feel in sport towards women.

That dance is a matter of girls!

Dance can be the opposite path, it can help strengthen the self-confidence of many women and the movement of the body with self-confidence would increase their self-esteem. But there's no risk to it, because these are bodily activities where men feel superior and comfortable. In addition, in the case that sometimes men also dance, they are considered an exception, a female and useless practice, so their clumsy adaptation serves to reinforce masculinity.

Sport has become a refuge for masculinity. Last strength to maintain female superiority. The fact that a dancing guy challenges the organization. If dance isn't just about girls and boys can do it too, the separation goes upside down. And that's what it's trying to avoid the masculinity that's being built. The boy who is going to dance at age six becomes a threat to the people who are in that process. The organization is being called into question. That dance is a matter of girls! Did you not know? Now you will find out.

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