The cascarotes are groups of young people who make rounds at Lapurdi during the carnival. It is usually an internal party, many times they spend hours inside the houses eating, singing and feasting, but if along the route you are up to the height, luck. They move to the melody and rhythm of the marches from one side to the other and in the pauses dance dances like ximples, marmperios, sticks, large clubs, dance jumps, fandango... Ponpier and the characters of red cotton are part of the group, sometimes banderizes and reds, and in some places and times the bear has appeared.
6 January, Saturday
Sunday, 7 January
13 January, Saturday
Sunday, 14 January
20 January, Saturday
21 January, Sunday
27 January, Saturday
Sunday, 28 January
Saturday, 3 February
Sunday, 4 February
Saturday, 10 February
Sunday, 11 February
Sunday, 18 February
24 February, Saturday
The idea that we in the dance world often repeat is that dance is ephemeral. The Elhuyar dictionary gives as a counterpart to "ephemeral" English: ephemeral, destructive, perishable, ephemeral, ephemeral, perishable, perishable, ilaun. I don't remember who I first read that idea... [+]
Transmisioa eta dantza taldeetako erreleboa aztertu nahi izan dugu Dantzan Ikasi topaketetan, eta gazte belaunaldiek lan egiteko ereduak ezagutu nahi izan ditugu “Gazteen parte-hartzea euskal dantzan” mahai inguruan: Eder Niño Barakaldoko... [+]
Aste hondar honetan euskal dantzen hiriburu bilakatu da Hendaia. Akelarre dantza talde hendaiarraren 50. urtemugaren testuinguruan, Lapurdi, Baxe Nafarroa eta Xiberoako hamasei dantza talde elkartu ditu bertan Iparraldeko Dantzarien Biltzarrak.