During the last three weekends of September, two weekly activities will be carried out in each municipality. On one hand, on Saturdays, mediation activities through participatory workshops of movement, voice and plastic. On the other hand, on Sundays performances of the companies to enjoy the performing arts and municipal heritage.
In total, nine actions will be offered. On 15 September in Larraul, the NODE presents Batu, Jone Amezaga and Manu Gaigne Remedies Waltz and Mari Zaunka Dirty Window, Zeru garbi. On 22 September you will see the show Solo de Borja Bordonabe, Nere azalarrotz de Neri(h) and Idi begi de Proyecto Larruaren. The last session will take place in Altzo, where will the companies DAB, Cielo Raso and Osa+Mujika Nun zira, With Reset and Bueltka performances.
The LABO GEO initiative is part of the LABO programme. The LABO program was born in 2017 in Donostia-San Sebastian with the objective of creating spaces for the creation and presentation of contemporary performing arts at the hand of the dance and performance company NODE.
Saturday 14 September: workshop.
Sunday, September 15, dance performance at 12:00 in Larraul Square.
Saturday 21 September: workshop.
Sunday, September 22, dance performances, at 12:00 hours, in the town square.
Saturday 28 September: workshop.
Sunday, September 29, dance performances, at 12:00 in Batzarremuño.
Lantegiak, koreografia erakustaldiak eta euskal koreografo gazteen topaketa egingo dira, ekainera bitartean.
Dantzari eta koreografo da Gasteizen. Horrekin batera, hizkuntza politika eredugarria du euskaldunberri zahar honek. Natural-natural nahi du dena.
Miarritzeko Maitaldia dantza jaialdiaren 23. edizioa irailaren 6tik 15era bitartean egingo da. Parte hartuko duten 30 konpainien artean Olivier Dubois, Fêtes Galantes eta egitaraua irekiko duen Malandain Balleta daude.
Ekainaren 13an hasiko da Oreretako Eztena antzerki eta dantza jaialdia. Hiru egunez, hamahiru taldek hartuko dute parte Mikelazulo elkarteak antolatu duen ekimenean. Laugarren edizioa da aurtengoa eta hainbat disziplina bilduko ditu: antzerkia, txontxongiloak, bakarrizketak,... [+]