The Health Advisor of the Basque Government announced in a hearing before the media that until 20:00 yesterday there were two positive cases in Eskoriatza. But according to the latest data this morning, the mayor, Joxerra Zubizarreta, has reported that in total there are four positive counts.
"The last point this morning is that in Eskoriatza there are four positive ones. Yesterday more than 60 PCR tests were performed and only one of them tested positive. Today you will be doing more tests again, but, in principle, we are very hopeful, because we believe it is good news for the fear that yesterday it has been made public that only one of the 60 tests is positive. In this sense, it seems that this contagion process has been small".
From the Consistory a note was issued asking citizens to send a message of tranquillity and to take account of the responsibility for the use of masks. For its part, EH Bildu of the opposition has issued a statement calling on the City Hall to convene a coordination table and take the necessary health measures.
In the face of the panic that took place yesterday, several parents did not transfer their children to the summer camps, so the organization suspended the scheduled activities. From Monday onwards, users participating in summer camps will be informed directly.
As for bars, the Hotel Azkoaga Enea and Bar Compostela remain closed to traffic after a positive customer from the area. Bar O’ Dogherty has also appeared today closed, and other bars have also taken action. Inkernuu, for example, has taken the measures of the 2nd phase and it will be compulsory to enter the bar with the mask.
On the street, most citizens have been wearing a face mask. The mayor, Joxerra Zubizarreta, wanted to send a message of "responsibility" to the results obtained and taking into account the "punctual" collaboration with Osakidetza.
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