Over 217,795 people have already taken the decision in the 208 popular consultations that have taken place over the past few years. Yesterday more than 28 thousand votes were gathered. In Donostia-San Sebastian 21,015 people voted – with a participation of 13.1% – in Irun 4,890 – 9.15%, in Zalla 1,228 – 16.99%, in Balmaseda 1,081 – 16.38% – and in Alonsotegi 470 – 18.75%. In 2014, the process of popular consultations to decide the future began in Etxarri Aranatz, and it has arrived for the first time in a capital city, Donostia-San Sebastián, four years later.
The question that has been asked in each people has been different. In the organizational process, agreement has been reached between the citizens of each place. In Donostia-San Sebastián, they have been asked if they want to decide their "political future" for themselves and "freely"; in Irun, "what political future they want for the country"; in Alonsotegi, if they want to be "citizens of an independent Basque state"; and in Zalla and Balmaseda, if they want "the Basques to be sovereign to decide their political, economic, social and cultural future". Below are the results published by the GED dynamic:
They also voted for councillors and public offices. In Donostia-San Sebastian, among others, the Mayor Eneko Goia, the President of the Basque Parliament, Bakartxo Tejeria and the members of EH Bildu voted. They also had the presence of international observers, including the Catalans, among others. For his part, the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, offered "solidarity" and "all support" to those who opted and organized the decision, even if they were not in Donostia-San Sebastián.
“An essential step for Euskal Herria to decide”
The GED dynamic spokesman, Ángel Oiarbide, spoke at Donostia-San Sebastián. The aim was to “empower” citizens and “socialize the debate on the right to decide” and noted that it has been achieved. He mentioned “ambition”, as ambition is one of the main characteristics of ED. He also talked about the future. "We have already imagined the date on which we are going to vote in a referendum that is going to be binding. And we have no doubt: then participation will be historic."
20.637 Donostiarras advocate the decision
In the Old Town, Gros and Egia were the municipalities that got the most votes, according to Irutxuloko Hitza's diary. The head of GED in Donostia, Jon rosales, was pleased with the closing event held at the Doka. In this regard, he stressed that the Donostiarras had given a "response" and that they had received "few negative votes" from 21,000 people.
Video and photos published by Irutxuloko Hitza:
Mother Extremadura, father of Andalusia, grandmothers and grandparents ahead of them, but Euskal Herria always ready to decide his future. Proud, Happy #Resolu₡Esku pic.twitter.com/Q8PYL32KwK
— Jon Altza (@kokoteko) November 18, 2018
That's how we ended the day! Congratulations Irun, it's a big day! ☝️🗳️
Hands up!#MouthHand #Az18Nov pic.twitter.com/RNbng1y2oL
— Hartu Hitza Irun (@EkotHitza Irun) November 18, 2018
📽️ Julieta Gaztañaga (@JuliGaz): "The ability to undertake local in Euskal Herria impacts" #ResoluTrailersEsku pic.twitter.com/lkkLv0nfgI
— Asku Dago (@AskuDago) November 18, 2018
📽️ @LópezJaume: "The Catalan process cannot be understood without the unofficial consultations that were the first step" #EvaEsku pic.twitter.com/RC0tVsIikg
— Asku Dago (@AskuDago) November 18, 2018
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