With the COVID-19 epidemic, human rights violations have been repeated in migrant detention centres. The Cimade association, which works with people without papers, has made this black reality known at a press conference in Baiona.
First, the association has denounced that measures to ensure health in the centres and to avoid the risk of coronavirus infection have not been fully ensured. Moreover, in the name of the plague, immigrants have been even more isolated by the ban on visits, among other reasons.
In total, there were 163 people held in Hendaia last year, of whom 36.6 per cent were expelled. As for the French State, there were 27,917 detention centres, 53 per cent of them in the overseas territories. Despite the fact that the borders have been respected, the French police have continued the arrests despite the fact that the expulsions have been less repeated. Thus, the retention time of immigrants has been increased: According to the 2019 data, the average age of the immigrant population spent fifteen days in detention, while in 2020 the average age of retention was 25 days.
The French State continues with the logic of detention centres. As a sign of this, Paris has announced the construction of four new centres. The Cimade association denounces this "political option of a severe attitude". Faced with the "increasingly repressive attitude" of Cime, France and the European Union in general consider it essential to change policy to a party working for the rights of immigrants.
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