The situation will cause Peralta to be isolated for a week from this Thursday, after data from recent days have shed five times more contagious than the Navarre average. On Sunday and Monday, 362 and 348 positives were recorded throughout Navarre, and on Tuesday 421, the highest data since May. Regarding the geographic areas, 52% of the positive ones are from the region of Pamplona/Iruña, 20% from the region of Tudela and 6% from the region of Tierra Estella. The data are from the Government of Navarra, which has not provided any further data.
The 362 positives on Monday were obtained from the 3,345 PCR tests carried out that day, the highest number so far in one day in Navarra, which represents 10.4% of the total. This Thursday, in addition, PCR tests with geolocation criteria will be carried out on the 600 citizens who have been randomly welcomed.
Hospital admissions already totalled 206 and five deaths were recorded on Monday. In the first three weeks of September, 21 deaths were recorded, after 10 deaths were recorded between June, July and August. Regarding Education, after the beginning of classes two weeks ago, there are 147 isolated groups of 75 Children and Primary centers, with a total of 2,883 children, 4.6% of the children of both stages.
The Government of Navarra requested assistance from the Spanish Army to help the 175 trackers they currently have. However, in the note that the School of Nursing of Navarra has disseminated these days, it calls to strengthen the nursing group in three directions: through voluntary retired nurses, giving special training to students of the fourth year and giving the possibility to act as trackers to nurses of other areas. Through this school, nurses are the most appropriate people to carry out CPA and fingerprints.